Page:E02710035-HCP-Extreme-Right-Wing-Terrorism Accessible.pdf/34

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Extreme Right-Wing Terrorist Groups

manifesto language are commonly referenced and revered by the more extreme sub-sections of the Incel community.[1]

76. MI5 acknowledges that there is a growing synergy between Incel and ERWT ideologies:

*** Incel and white supremacist narratives can have many cross-cutting features, including tendencies towards a victimhood mindset, misogyny, and conspiratorial thinking (blaming of target-sets such as women, feminists, liberals, the Jewish community). Overlaps of Incel and right-wing grievances are therefore not unexpected, *** when assessing the nature and level of threat posed by a given individual . . . due to the diverse nature of the Incel movement, we recommend that Incel references *** should not be treated automatically as SIT, but recognised as a potential terrorist motivation and assessed case by case against [terrorism] thresholds . . .[2]

77. However, the Director General of MI5 cautioned against putting too much emphasis on the links between Incel terrorist activity and EWRT:

It is not, as things stand, something we are seeing a huge crossover [with ERWT] into this territory but there is a crossover. It has cropped up from time to time but in slightly odd ways and I think we would struggle to give you any sense of a strategic trend here.[3]

  1. MI5 Strategic Intelligence Group paper, 5 August 2020.
  2. MI5 Strategic Intelligence Group paper, 5 August 2020.
  3. Oral evidence - MI5, 28 April 2021.