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Page:EB1911 - Volume 01.djvu/679

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The general term of a seminvariant of degree and weight will be

where       , and .

The number of such terms is the number of partitions of into parts, the part magnitudes, in the two portions, being limited not to exceed and respectively. Denote this number by . The number of linearly independent seminvariants of the given type will then be denoted by


and will be given by the coefficient of in


that is, by the coefficient of in


which preserves its expression when and and and are separately or simultaneously interchanged.

Taking the first generating function, and writing , and for , and respectively, we obtain the coefficient of , that is of , in


the unreduced generating function which enumerates the covariants of degrees in the coefficients and order in the variables. Thus, for two linear forms, , we find


the positive part of which is


establishing the ground forms of degrees-order (1, 0; 1), (0, 1; 1), (1, 1; 0), viz:—the linear forms themselves and their Jacobian . Similarly, for a linear and a quadratic, , , and the reduced form is found to be


where the denominator factors indicate the forms themselves, their Jacobian, the invariant of the quadratic and their resultant; connected, as shown by the numerator, by a syzygy of degrees-order (2, 2; 2).

The complete theory of the perpetuants appertaining to two or more forms of infinite order has not yet been established. For two forms the seminvariants of degrees 1, 1 are enumerated by , and the only one which is reducible is of weight zero; hence the perpetuants of degrees 1, 1 are enumerated by


and the series is evidently


one for each of the weights 1, 2, 3,...ad infin.

For the degrees 1, 2, the asyzygetic forms are enumerated by , and the actual forms for the first three weights are


amongst these forms are included all the asyzygetic forms of degrees 1, 1, multiplied by , and also all the perpetuants of the second binary form multiplied by ; hence we have to subtract from the generating function and , and obtain the generating function of perpetuants of degrees 1, 2.


The first perpetuant is the last seminvariant written, viz.:—


or, in partition notation,


and, in this form, it is at once seen to satisfy the partial differential equation. It is important to notice that the expression

denotes a seminvariant, if be neither of them unity, for, after operation, the terms destroy one another in pairs: when , must be taken to denote and so for . In general it is a seminvariant of degrees , and weight ; for this there is an exception, viz., when , or when , the corresponding partial degrees are 1 and 1. When , we have the general perpetuant of degrees 1, 1. There is a still more general form of the seminvariant; we may have instead of any collections of non-unitary integers not exceeding in magnitude respectively, Ex. gr.


is a seminvariant; and since these terms are clearly enumerated by


an expression which also enumerates the asyzygetic seminvariants, we may regard the form, written, as denoting the general form of asyzygetic seminvariant; a very important conclusion. For the case in hand, from the simplest perpetuant of degrees 1, 2, we derive the perpetuants of weight ,


a series of or of forms according as is even or uneven. Their number for any weight is the number of ways of composing with the parts 1, 2, and thus the generating function is verified. We cannot, by this method, easily discuss the perpetuants of degrees 2, 2, because a syzygy presents itself as early as weight 2. It is better now to proceed by the method of Stroh.

We have the symbolic expression of a seminvariant.


; ;

and .

Proceeding as we did in the case of the single binary form we find that for a given total degree , the condition which expresses reducibility is of total degree in the coefficients and ; combining this with the knowledge of the generating function of asyzygetic forms of degrees , , we find that the perpetuants of these degrees are enumerated by


and this is true for as well as for other values of (compare the case of the single binary form).

Observe that, if there be more than two binary forms, the weight of the simplest perpetuant of degrees is , as can be seen by reasoning of a similar kind.

To obtain information concerning the actual forms of the perpetuants, write

where .

For the case , , the condition is


which since , is really a condition of weight unity. For the form is , which we may write ; the remaining perpetuants, enumerated by , have been set forth above.

For the case , , the condition is ; and the simplest perpetuant, derived directly from the product , is ; the remainder of those enumerated by may be represented by the form


and each assuming all integer (including zero) values. For the case , the condition is


To represent the simplest perpetuant, of weight 7, we may take as base either or , and since the former is equivalent to and the latter to ; so that we have,