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J. J. H.J. J. Hummel, F.I.C. (d. 1902).
Formerly Professor of Dyeing, University of Leeds. Author of The Dyeing of Textile Fabrics.
Dyeing (in part).
J. J. L.*Rev. John James Lias, M.A.
Chancellor of Llandaff Cathedral. Formerly Hulsean Lecturer in Divinity and Lady Margaret Preacher, University of Cambridge.
J. L. M.John Linton Myres, M.A., F.S.A., F.R.G.S.
Wykeham Professor of Ancient History in the University of Oxford. Formerly Gladstone Professor of Greek and Lecturer in Ancient Geography, University of Liverpool. Lecturer in Classical Archaeology in University of Oxford.
J. Mi.John Milne, F.G.S., F R.S., D.Sc.
Formerly Professor of Mining and Geology
Earthquake (in part).
J. Mo.Viscount Morley of Blackburn.
See the biographical article: Morley, Viscount, of Blackburn.
J. M. M.John Malcolm Mitchell.
Sometime Scholar of Queen’s College, Oxford. Lecturer in Classics, East London College (University of London). Joint Editor of Grote’s History of Greece.
J. M. M. D.J. M. M. Dallas.
Formerly Secretary of the Edinburgh Draughts Club.
Draughts (in part).
J. O. B.John Oliver Borley, M.A.
Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.
Dredge and Dredging: Marine.
J. P.-B.James George Joseph Penderel-Brodhurst.
Editor of the Guardian, London.
J. R. C.Joseph Rogerson Cotter, M.A.
Assistant to the Professor of Physics, Trinity College, Dublin. Editor of 2nd Dispersion, edition of Preston’s Theory of Heat.
J. R. F.John Ritchie Findlay.
See the biographical article: Findlay, J. R.
De Quincey.
J. R. Fo.J. R. Fothergill.
Editor of The Slade.
J. S. F.John Smith Flett, D.Sc., F.G.S.
Petrographer to the Geological Survey. Formerly Lecturer on Petrology in Edinburgh University. Neill Medallist of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Bigsby Medallist of the Geological Society of London.
Diabase; Diorite;
; Dolomite;
J. T. Be.John T. Bealby.
Joint-author of Stanford’s Europe. Formerly Editor of the Scottish Geographical Magazine. Translator of Sven Hedin’s Through Asia, Central Asia and Tibet; &c.
Dnieper (in part);
(in part);
(in part);
Don Cossacks, Territory of the
(in part);
(in part);
(in part).
Jno. W.John Westlake, K.C., LL.D., D.C.L.
Professor of International Law, Cambridge, 1888–1908. One of the Members for United Kingdom of International Court of Arbitration under the Hague Convention, 1900–1906. Author of A Treatise on Private International Law; International Law: I. Peace; II. War; &c.
J. Wn.James Welton, M.A.
Professor of Education in the University of Leeds. Author of Logical Bases of Education; Principles and Methods of Moral Training; &c.
Education: Theory.
J. W. He.James Wycliffe Headlam, M.A.
Staff Inspector of Secondary Schools under the Board of Education. Formerly Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge. Professor of Greek and Ancient History at Queen’s College, London. Author of Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire; &c.
Droysen, J. G.
K. S.Kathleen Schlesinger.
Author of The Instruments of the Orchestra; &c.
Double-Bass; Drone;
; Dulcimer.
L. F. V.-H.Leveson Francis Vernon-Harcourt, M.A., M.Inst.C.E. (1839–1907).
Formerly Professor of Civil Engineering at University College, London. Author of Rivers and Canals; Harbours and Docks; Civil Engineering as applied in Construction; &c.
L. J. S.Leonard James Spencer, M.A., F.G.S.
Assistant, Department of Mineralogy, British Museum. Formerly Scholar of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, and Harkness Scholar. Editor of the Mineralogical Magazine.
Diallage; Diaspore;
; Dioptase.
L. V.*Luigi Villari.
Italian Foreign Office (Emigration Department). Formerly Newspaper Correspondent in East of Europe. Italian Vice-Consul in New Orleans, 1906; Philadelphia, 1907; and Boston, U.S.A., 1907–1910. Author of Italian Life in Town and Country; Fire and Sword in the Caucasus; &c.
Diavolo, Fra;
M. A. C.Maurice Arthur Canney, M.A.
Assistant Lecturer in Semitic Languages in the University of Manchester.