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Page:EB1911 - Volume 08.djvu/797

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one pole flows through the armature core, to leave it by another pole of opposite sign. Since each active wire cuts these lines, first as they enter the armature core and then as they emerge from it to enter another pole, the total number of lines cut in one revolution by any one active wire is 2pZa. The time in seconds taken by one revolution is 60/N. The average E.M.F. induced in each active wire in one revolution being proportional to the number of lines cut divided by the time taken to cut them is therefore 2Za (pN / 60) × 10−8 volts. The active wires which are in series and form one distinct phase may be divided into as many bands as there are poles; let each such band contain t active wires, which as before explained may either form one side of a single large coil or the adjacent sides of two coils when the large coil is divided into two halves. Since the wires are joined up into loops, two bands are best considered together, which with either arrangement yield in effect a single coil of t turns. The average E.M.F.’s of all the wires in the two bands when added together will therefore be 4Za (pN / 60)t × 10−8. But unless each band is concentrated within a single slot, there must be some differential action as they cross the neutral line between the poles, so that the last expression is virtually the gross average E.M.F. of the loops on the assumption that the component E.M.F.’s always act in agreement round the coil and do not at times partially neutralize one another. The net average E.M.F. of the coil as a whole, or the arithmetical mean of all the instantaneous values of a half-wave of the actual E.M.F. curve, is therefore reduced to an extent depending upon the amount of differential action and so upon the width of the coil-side when this is not concentrated. Let k′=the coefficient by which the gross average E.M.F. must be multiplied to give the net average E.M.F.; then k′ may be called the “width-factor,” and will have some value less than unity when the wires of each band are spread over a number of slots. The net average E.M.F. of the two bands corresponding to a pair of poles is thus eav=4k′Za (pN / 60)t × 10−8.

The shape of the curve of instantaneous E.M.F. of the coil must further be taken into account. The “effective” value of an alternating E.M.F. is equal to the square root of the mean square of its instantaneous values, since this is the value of the equivalent unidirectional and unvarying E.M.F., which when applied to a given resistance develops energy at the same rate as the alternating E.M.F., when the effect of the latter is averaged over one or any whole number of periods. Let k″=the ratio of the square root of the mean square to the average E.M.F. of the coil, i.e. Since it depends upon the shape of the E.M.F. curve, k″ is also known as the “form-factor”; thus if the length of gap between pole-face and armature core and the spacing of the wires were so graduated as to give a curve of E.M.F. varying after a sine law, the form-factor would have the particular value of π/2 √2=1·11, and to this condition practical alternators more or less conform. The effective E.M.F. of the two bands corresponding to a pair of poles is thus eeff=4kk″Za (pN / 60)t × 10−8.

In any one phase there are p pairs of bands, and these may be divided into q parallel paths, where q is one or any whole number of which p is a multiple. The effective E.M.F. of a complete phase is therefore peeff/q. Lastly, if m=the number of phases into which the armature winding is divided, and τ=the total number of active wires on the armature counted all round its periphery, tτ / 2pm, and the effective E.M.F. per phase is Ea=2kk″Za (pNτ / 60mq) × 10−8.

The two factors k′ and k″ may be united into one coefficient, and the equation then takes its final form

Ea=2KZa (pNτ / 60mq) × 10−8 volts (1a)

In the alternator q is most commonly 1, and there is only one circuit per phase; finally the value of K or the product of the width-factor and the form-factor usually falls between the limits of 1 and 1·25.

We have next to consider the effect of the addition of more armature loops in the case of dynamos which give a unidirectional E.M.F. in virtue of their split-ring collecting device, i.e. of the type shown in fig. 7 with drum armature or its equivalent ring form. As before, if the additional loops are wound in continuation of the first as one coil connected to a single split-ring, this coil must be more or less concentrated into a narrow band; since if the width becomes nearly equal to or exceeds the width of the interpolar gap, the two edges of the coil-side will just as in the alternator act differentially against one another during part of each revolution. The drum winding with a single coil thus gives an armature of the H- or “shuttle” form invented by Dr Werner von Siemens. Although the E.M.F. of such an arrangement may have a much higher maximum value than that of the curve of fig. 7 for a single loop, yet it still periodically varies during each revolution and so gives a pulsating current, which is for most practical uses unsuitable. But such pulsation might be largely reduced if, for example, a second coil were placed at right angles to the original coil and the two were connected in series; the crests of the wave of E.M.F. of the second coil will then coincide with the hollows of the first wave, and although the maximum of the resultant curve of E.M.F. may be no higher its fluctuations will be greatly decreased. A spacial displacement of the new coils along the pole-pitch, somewhat as in a polyphase machine, thus suggests itself, and the process may be carried still further by increasing the number of equally spaced coils, provided that they can be connected in series and yet can have their connexion with the external circuit reversed as they pass the neutral line between the poles.

Fig. 15.
Fig. 16.

Given two coils at right angles and with their split-rings displaced through a corresponding angle of 90°, they may be connected in series by joining one brush to the opposite brush of the second coil, the external circuit being applied to the two remaining brushes.[1] The same arrangement may again be repeated with another pair of coils in parallel with the first, and we thus obtain fig. 15 with four split-rings, their connexions to the loops being marked by corresponding numerals; the four coils will give the same E.M.F. as the two, but they will be jointly capable of carrying twice the current, owing to their division into two parallel circuits. Now in place of the four split-rings may be employed the greatly simplified four-segment structure shown in fig. 16, which serves precisely the same purpose as the four split-rings but only requires two instead of eight brushes. The effect of joining brush 2 in fig. 15 across to brush 3, brush 4 to brush 5, 5 to 6, &c., has virtually been to connect the end of coil A with the beginning of coil B, and the end of coil B with the beginning of coil A′, and so on, until they form a continuous closed helix. Each sector of fig. 16 will therefore replace two halves of a pair of adjacent split-rings, if the end and beginning of a pair of adjacent coils are connected to it in a regular order of sequence. The four sectors are insulated from one another and from the shaft, and the whole structure is known as the “commutator,”[2] its function being not simply to collect the current but also to commute its direction in any coil as it passes the interpolar gap. The principle of the “closed-coil continuous-current armature” is thus reached, in which there are at least two parallel circuits from brush to brush, and from which a practically steady current can be obtained. Each coil is successively short-circuited, as a brush bridges over the insulation between the two sectors which terminate it; and the brushes must be so set that the period of short-circuit takes place when the coil is generating little or no E.M.F., i.e. when it is moving through the zone between the pole-tips. The effect of the four coils in reducing the percentage fluctuation of the E.M.F. is very marked, as shown at the foot of fig. 15 (where the upper curve is the resultant obtained by adding together the separate curves of coils A and B), and the levelling process may evidently be carried still further by the insertion of more coils and more corresponding sectors in the commutator, until the whole

  1. Such was the arrangement of Wheatstone’s machine (Brit. Pat. No. 9022) of 1841, which was the first to give a more nearly “continuous” current, the number of sections and split-rings being five.
  2. Its development from the split-ring was due to Pacinotti and Gramme (Brit. Pat. No. 1668, 1870) in connexion with their ring armatures.