the current is still unreversed, its E.M.F. is opposed to the direction of the current, and the coil is therefore driving the armature forward as in a motor; it thus affords a ready means of rapidly dissipating part of the initial energy in the form of mechanical work instead of as heat. After the current has been reversed, the converse process sets in, and the prime mover directly expends mechanical energy not only in heating the coil, but also in storing up electromagnetic energy with a rapidity dependent upon the strength of the reversing field. The required direction of external field can be obtained in the dynamo by shifting the brushes forward, so that the short-circuited coil enters into the fringe of lines issuing from the leading pole-tip, i.e. by giving the brushes an “angle of lead.” An objection to this process is that the main flux is thereby weakened owing to the belt of back ampere-turns which arises (v. supra). A still greater objection is that the amount of the angle of lead must be suited to the value of the load, the corrective power of copper brushes being very small if the reversing E.M.F. is not closely adjusted in proportion to the armature current.
On this account metal brushes have been almost entirely superseded by carbon moulded into hard blocks. With these, owing to their higher specific contact-resistance, a very considerable reversing effect can be obtained through the action of unequal current-density, and indeed in favourable cases complete sparklessness can be obtained throughout the entire range of load of the machine with a fixed position of the brushes. Yet if the work which they are called upon to perform exceeds certain limits, they tend to become overheated with consequent glowing or sparking at their tips, so that, wherever possible, it is advisable to reinforce their action by a certain amount of reversing field, the brushes being set so that its strength is roughly correct for, say, half load.
In the case of dynamos driven by steam-turbines, sparkless commutation is especially difficult to obtain owing to the high speed of rotation and the very short space of time in which the current has to be reversed. Special “reversing poles” then become necessary; these are wound with magnetizing coils in series with the main armature current, so that the strength of field which they yield is roughly proportional to the current which has to be reversed. These again may be combined with a “compensating winding” embedded in the pole-faces and carrying current in the opposite direction to the armature ampere-turns, so as to neutralize the cross effect of the latter and prevent distortion of the resultant field.
From the moment that a dynamo begins to run with excited field, heat is continuously generated by the passage of the current through the windings of the field-magnet coils and the armature, as well as by the action of hysteresis and eddy currents in the armature and pole-pieces. Whether the source of the heat be in the field-magnet or Heating the armature, the mass in which it originates will continue to rise in temperature until such a difference of temperature is established between itself and the surrounding air that the rate at which the heat is carried off by radiation, convection and conduction is equal to the rate at which it is being generated. Evidently, then, the temperature which any part of the machine attains after a prolonged run must depend on the extent and effectiveness of the cooling surface from which radiation takes place, upon the presence or absence of any currents of air set up by the rotation of itself or surrounding parts, and upon the presence of neighbouring masses of metal to carry away the heat by conduction. In the field-magnet coils the rate at which heat is being generated is easily determined, since it is equal to the square of the current passing through them multiplied by their resistance. Further, the magnet is usually stationary, and only indirectly affected by draughts of air due to the rotating armature. Hence for machines of a given type and of similar proportions, it is not difficult to decide upon some method of reckoning the cooling surface of the magnet coils Sc, such that the rise of temperature above that of the surrounding air may be predicted from an equation of the form t°=kW / Sc, where W=the rate in watts at which heat is generated in the coils, and k is some constant depending upon the exact method of reckoning their cooling surface. As a general rule the cooling surface of a field-coil is reckoned as equal to the exposed outer surface of its wire, the influence of the end flanges being neglected, or only taken into account in the case of very short bobbins wound with a considerable depth of wire. In the case of the rotating armature a similar formula must be constructed, but with the addition of a factor to allow for the increase in the effectiveness of any given cooling surface due to the rotation causing convection currents in the surrounding air. Only experiment can determine the exact effect of this, and even with a given type of armature it is dependent on the number of poles, each of which helps to break up the air-currents, and so to dissipate the heat. For example, in two-pole machines with drum bar-armatures, if the cooling surface be reckoned as equal to the cylindrical exterior plus the area of the two ends, the heating coefficient for a peripheral speed of 1500 ft. per minute is less than half of that for the same armature when at rest. A further difficulty still meets the designer in the correct predetermination of the total loss of watts in an armature before the machine has been tested. It is made up of three separate items, namely, the copper loss in the armature winding, the loss by hysteresis in the iron, and the loss by eddy currents, which again may be divided into those in the armature bars and end-connexions, and those in the core and its end-plates. The two latter items are both dependent upon the speed of the machine; but whereas the hysteresis loss is proportional to the speed for a given density of flux in the armature, the eddy current loss is proportional to the square of the speed, and owing to this difference, the one loss can be separated from the other by testing an armature at varying speeds. Thus for a given rise of temperature, the question of the amount of current which can be taken out of an armature at different speeds depends upon the proportion which the hysteresis and eddy watts bear to the copper loss, and the ratio in which the effectiveness of the cooling surface is altered by the alteration in speed. Experimental data, again, can alone decide upon the amount of eddy currents that may be expected in given armatures, and caution is required in applying the results of one machine to another in which any of the conditions, such as the number of poles, density in the teeth, proportions of slot depth to width, &c., are radically altered.
It remains to add, that the rise of temperature which may be permitted in any part of a dynamo after a prolonged run is very generally placed at about 70° Fahr. above the surrounding air. Such a limit in ordinary conditions of working leads to a final temperature of about 170° Fahr., beyond which the durability of the insulation of the wires is liable to be injuriously affected. Upon some such basis the output of a dynamo in continuous working is rated, although for short periods of, say, two hours the normal full-load current of a large machine may be exceeded by some 25% without unduly heating the armature.
For the electro-deposition of metals or the electrolytic treatment of ores a continuous current is a necessity; but, apart from such use, the purposes from which the continuous-current dynamo is well adapted are so numerous that they cover nearly the whole field of electrical engineering, with one important exception. Uses of continuous current dynamos.To meet these various uses, the pressures for which the machine is designed are of equally wide range; for the transmission of power over long distances they may be as high as 3000 volts, and for electrolytic work as low as five. Each electrolytic bath, with its leads, requires on an average only some four or five volts, so that even when several are worked in series the voltage of the dynamo seldom exceeds 60. On the other hand, the current is large and may amount to as much as from 1000 to 14,000 amperes, necessitating the use of two commutators, one at either end of the armature, in order to collect the current without excessive heating of the sectors and brushes. The field-magnets are invariably shunt-wound, in order to avoid reversal of the current through polarization at the electrodes of the bath. For incandescent lighting by glow lamps, the requirements of small isolated installations and of central stations for the distribution of electrical energy over large areas must be distinguished. For the lighting of a private house or small factory, the dynamo giving from 5 to 100 kilo-watts of output is commonly wound for a voltage of 100, and is driven by pulley and belt from a gas, oil or steam-engine; or, if approaching the higher limit above mentioned, it is often directly coupled to the crank-shaft of the steam-engine. If used in conjunction with an accumulator of secondary cells, it is shunt-wound, and must give the higher voltage necessary to charge the battery; otherwise it is compound-wound, in order to maintain the pressure on the lamps constant under all loads within its capacity. The compound-wound dynamo is likewise the most usual for the lighting of steamships, and is then directly coupled to its steam-engine; its output seldom exceeds 100 kilo-watts, at a voltage of 100 or 110. For larger installations a voltage of 250 is commonly used, while for central-station work, economy in the distributing