W. E. Co. | Rev. William Edward Collins, M.A., D.D.- Bishop of Gibraltar. Formerly Professor of Ecclesiastical History, King's College, London. Lecturer of Selwyn and St John's Colleges, Cambridge. Author of The Study of Ecclesiastical History; Beginnings of English Christianity; &c.
| | Establishment; Eucharist: Reservation. |
W. G. | William Garnett, M.A., D.C.L.- Educational Adviser to the London County Council. Formerly Fellow and Lecturer of St John's College, Cambridge. Principal and Professor of Mathematics, Durham College of Science, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Author of Elementary Dynamics; &c.
| | Energy (in part). |
W. G. M. | Walter G. M‘Millan, F.C.S., M.I.Mech.E. (d. 1904).- Formerly Secretary of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, and Lecturer on Metallurgy, Mason College, Birmingham. Author of A Treatise on Electrometallurgy.
| | Electrometallurgy. |
W. Hu. | Rev. William Hunt, M.A., Litt.D.- President of Royal Historical Society, 1905–1909. Author of History of the English Church, 597–1066; The Church of England in the Middle Ages; &c.
| | England, Church of. |
W. M. F. P. | William Matthew Flinders Petrie, F.R.S., D.C.L., Litt.D.- See the biographical article: Petrie, W. M. F.
| | Egypt: Art and Archaeology. |
W. O. | Wilhelm Ostwald, D.Sc., LL.D.- Formerly Professor of Chemistry at the University of Leipzig. Nobel Prizeman in Chemistry, 1909. Author of Energetische Grundlagen der Kulturwissenschaft; Die Energie; Prinzipien der Chemie; &c.
| | Element. |
W. P. A. | Lieut.-Colonel William Patrick Anderson, M.Inst.C.E., F.R.G.S.- Chief Engineer, Department of Marine and Fisheries of Canada. Member of the Geographic Board of Canada. Past President of Canadian Society of Civil Engineers.
| | Erie, Lake. |
W. P. P. | William Plane Pycraft, F.Z.S.- Assistant in the Zoological Department, British Museum. Formerly Assistant Linacre Professor of Comparative Anatomy, Oxford. Vice-President of the Selborne Society. Author of A History of Birds; &c.
| | Egg. |
W. R. S. | William Robertson Smith, LL.D.- See the biographical article: Smith, W. R.
| | Eli (in part); Elijah (in part); Elisha (in part). |
W. W. | William Wallace.- See the biographical article: Wallace, William (1844–1897).
| | Empedocles (in part); Epictetus (in part); Epicurus (in part). |
W. Wr. | Williston Walker, Ph.D., D.D.- Professor of Church History, Yale University. Author of History of the Congregational Churches in the United States; The Reformation; John Calvin; &c.
| | Eliot, John. |