W. P. P.
William Plane Pycraft, F.Z.S.
- Assistant in the Zoological Department, British Museum. Formerly Assistant Linacre Professor of Comparative Anatomy, Oxford. Vice-President of the Selborne Society. Author of A History of Birds; &c.
Feather (in part).
W. N. S.
William Napier Shaw, M.A., LL.D., D.Sc, F.R.S.
- Director of the Meteorological Office. Reader in Meteorology in the University of London. President of Permanent International Meteorological Committee. Member of Meteorological Council, 1897–1905. Hon. Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Fellow of Emmanuel College, 1877–1899; Senior Tutor, 1890–1899. Joint Author of Text Book of Practical Physics; &c.
W. P. R.
Hon. William Pember Reeves.
- Director of London School of Economics. Agent-General and High Commissioner for New Zealand, 1896–1909. Minister of Education, Labour and Justice, New Zealand, 1891–1896. Author of The Long White Cloud, a History of New Zealand; &c.
Fox, Sir William.
Eve (in part).
W. R. E. H.
William Richard Eaton Hodgkinson, Ph.D., F.R.S.
- Professor of Chemistry and Physics, Ordnance College, Woolwich. Formerly Professor of Chemistry and Physics, R.M.A., Woolwich. Part Author of Valentin-Hodgkinson’s Practical Chemistry; &c.
W. Sch.
Sir Wilhelm Schlich, K.C.I.E., M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S., F.L.S.
- Professor of Forestry at the University of Oxford. Hon. Fellow of St John’s College. Author of A Manual of Forestry; Forestry in the United Kingdom; The Outlook of the World’s Timber Supply; &c.
Forests and Forestry.
W. W. F.*
William Warde Fowler, M.A.
- Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford. Sub-rector, 1881–1904. Gifford Lecturer, Edinburgh University, 1908. Author of The City-State of the Greeks and Romans; The Roman Festivals of the Republican Period; &c.
W. W. R.*
William Walker Rockwell, Lic. Theol.
- Assistant Professor of Church History, Union Theological Seminary, New York. Author of Die Doppelehe des Landgrafen Philipp von Hessen.
Ferrara-Florence, Council of.