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Page:EB1911 - Volume 12.djvu/802

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( C + x2 ) dr xz sinθdΩ/dθΩx (x sin θ − 2z cos θρ sin2 θ) + rxρ cos θ = 0,
M dθ
xz dr + ( A + z2 ) sin θ dΩ h3 + 2Ω ( A + z2 ) cos θ
dθ M dθ M M
+ Ωz sin θ (xρ sin θ) − rzρ cos θ = 0,

( A + x2 + z2 ) dq + q2p (x cos θz sin θ) − Ω h3 sin θ + Ω2 (A/M + z2 )
M dt M
sin θ cos θ + Ω2xz sin2 θΩrx (x sin θ + z cos θ)−g (x cos θz sin θ) = 0.

The steady motion and nutation superposed may be expressed by

θ = α + L, sin θ = sin α + L cos α, cos θ = cos α − L sin α, Ω = μ + N, r = R + Q,

where L, N, Q are small terms, involving a factor enti, to express the periodic nature of the nutation; and then if a, c denote the mean value of x, z, at the point of contact

x = a + Lρ cos α, z = c − Lρ sin α,
x sin θ + z cos θ = a sin α + c cos α + L (a cos αc sin α),
x cos θz sin θ = a cos αc sin α − L (a sin α + c cos αρ).

Substituting these values in (C*) with dq/dt = −d2θ/dt2 = n2L, and ignoring products of the small terms, such as L2, LN, ...

( A + a2 + c2 ) Ln2 − (μ + N) ( CR + K + CQ ) (sin α + L cos α)

+ (μ2 + 2μN) (A/M + c2 − 2Lρc sin α) (sin α cos α + L cos α)

+ (μ2 + 2μN) [ac − Lρ (a sin αc sin α)] (sin2 α + L sin 2α)

− (μ + N) (R + Q) (a + Lρcos α) [a sin α + c cos α + L (a cos αc sin α)]

g (a cos αc sin α) + gL (a sin α + c cos αρ) = 0,


which is equivalent to

μ CR + K sin α + μ2 ( A + c2 ) sin αcos α
+ μ2 ac sin2 αμRa (a sin α + c cos α) − g (a cos αc sin α) = 0,

the condition of steady motion; and

DL + EQ + FN = 0,


D = ( A + a2 + c2 ) n2μ CK + K cos α − 2μ2ρc sin2 α cos α

+ μ2 (A/M + c2) cos αμ2ρ (a sin αc cos α) sin2 α

+ μ2ac sin 2αμRρ cos α (a sin α + c cos α)

μRa (a cos αc sin α) + g (a sin α + c cos αρ),

E = −μ C sin αμa (a sin α + c cos α),
F = − CR + K sin α + 2μ ( A + c2 ) sin α cos α
+ 2μac sin2 α − Ra (a sin α + c cos α).

With the same approximation (A*) and (B*) are equivalent to

( C + a2 ) Q ac sin α N μa (a sin α + 2c cos αρ sin2 α) + Raρ cos α = 0,
ac Q + ( A + c2 ) sin α N CR + K + 2μ ( A + c2 ) cos α
+ μc sin α (aρ sin α) − Rcρ cos α = 0.

The elimination of L, Q, N will lead to an equation for the determination of n2, and n2 must be positive for the motion to be stable.

If b is the radius of the horizontal circle described by G in steady motion round the centre B,

b = v/μ = (cP − aR) / μ = c sin αaR / μ,

and drawing GL vertically upward of length λ = g/μ2, the height of the equivalent conical pendulum, the steady motion condition may be written

(CR + K) μ sin αμ2 sin α cos α = −gM (a cos αc sin α)
+ M (μ2c sin αμRa) (a sin α + c cos α)

= gM [bλ−1 (a sin α + c cos α) − a cos α + c sin α]
= gM·PT,


LG produced cuts the plane in T.

Interpreted dynamically, the left-hand side of this equation represents the velocity of the vector of angular momentum about G, so that the right-hand side represents the moment of the applied force about G, in this case the reaction of the plane, which is parallel to GA, and equal to gM·GA/GL; and so the angle AGL must be less than the angle of friction, or slipping will take place.

Spinning upright, with α = 0, a = 0, we find F = 0, Q = 0, and

CR + K + 2μ ( A + c2 ) − Rcp = 0,
( A + c2 ) n2 = μ CR + K μ2 ( A + c2 ) + μRρcg (cρ),
( A + c2 ) 2 n2 = 1/4 ( CK + R + Rcρ ) 2 g ( A + c2 ) (cρ).
M   M   M

Thus for a top spinning upright on a rounded point, with K = 0, the stability requires that

R > 2k′√ {g (cρ)} / (k2 + cρ),

where k, k′ are the radii of gyration about the axis Gz, and a perpendicular axis at a distance c from G; this reduces to the preceding case of § 3 (7) when ρ = 0.

Generally, with α = 0, but a ± 0, the condition (A) and (B) becomes

( C + a2 ) Q = 2μac − Raρ,  −ac Q = CR + K + Rcρ − 2μ ( A + a2 ),

so that, eliminating Q/L,

2 [ A + c2 ) ( C + a2 )a2c2 ] μ = ( C + a2 ) ( CR + K ) + C Rcρ,

the condition when a coin or platter is rolling nearly flat on the table.

Rolling along in a straight path, with α = 1/2π, c = 0, μ = 0, E = 0; and

N/L = (CR + K)/A,
D = ( A + a2 ) n2 + g (aρ),
F = − CR + K − Ra2,
N = − D =
( A + a2 ) n2 + g (aρ)
( C + a2 ) R + K
( A + a2 ) n2 = (CR + K) [ C + a2 ) R + K ]g (aρ).

Thus with K = 0, and rolling with velocity V = Ra, stability requires

V2 > aρ > 1/2 A   aρ ,
2g 2C/A (C/Ma2 + 1) C C/Ma2 + 1

or the body must have acquired velocity greater than attained by rolling down a plane through a vertical height 1/2 (aρ) A/C.

On a sharp edge, with ρ = 0, a thin uniform disk or a thin ring requires

V2/2g > a/6 or a/8.

The gyrostat can hold itself upright on the plane without advance when R = 0, provided

K2/AM − g (aρ) is positive.

For the stability of the monorail carriage of § 5 (6), ignoring the rotary inertia of the wheels by putting C = 0, and replacing K by G′ the theory above would require

G′ ( aV + G′ ) > gh.

For further theory and experiments consult Routh, Advanced Rigid Dynamics, chap. v., and Thomson and Tait, Natural Philosophy, § 345; also Bourlet, Traité des bicycles (analysed in Appell, Mécanique rationnelle, ii. 297, and Carvallo, Journal de l’école polytechnique, 1900); Whipple, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, vol. xxx., for mathematical theories of the bicycle, and other bodies.

14. Lord Kelvin has studied theoretically and experimentally the vibration of a chain of stretched gyrostats (Proc. London Math. Soc., 1875; J. Perry, Spinning Tops, Gyrostatic chain. for a diagram). Suppose each gyrostat to be equivalent dynamically to a fly-wheel of axial length 2a, and that each connecting link is a light cord or steel wire of length 2l, stretched to a tension T.

Denote by x, y the components of the slight displacement from the central straight line of the centre of a fly-wheel; and let p, q, 1 denote the direction cosines of the axis of a fly-wheel, and r, s, 1 the direction cosines of a link, distinguishing the different bodies by a suffix.

Then with the previous notation and to the order of approximation required,

θ1 = −dq/dt, θ2 = dp/dt,
h1 = Aθ1, h2 = Aθ2, h3 = K,

to be employed in the dynamical equations

dh1 θ3h2 + θ2h3 = L, ...

in which θ3h1 and θ3h2 can be omitted.

For the kth fly-wheel

−Aq..k + Kp.k = Ta (qk − sk) + Ta (qk − sk+1),
Ap..k + Kq.k = −Ta (pkrk) − Ta (pkrk+1);

and for the motion of translation

Mx..k = T (rk+1rk), My..k = T (sk+1sk);

while the geometrical relations are

xk+1xk = a (pk+1 + pk) + 2lrk+1,
yk+1yk = a (qk+1 + qk) + 2lsk+1.


x + yi = w, p + qi = ω, r + si = σ,