small and might be accidental. In the case of D at Greenwich 1891
differed from the other years, and of two more recent years examined
by Ellis[1] one, 1904, agreed with 1891. At Kew, on the average of
the 11 years 1890 to 1900, the quiet-day mean annual value of declination
exceeded the ordinary day value, but the apparent excess 0′.02
is too small to possess much significance.
Another property more recently discovered in quiet days is the non-cyclic change. The nature of this phenomenon will be readily understood from the following data from the 11-year period 1890 to 1900 at Kew[2]. The mean daily change for all days is calculated from the observed annualNon-cyclic Change. change.
D. | I. | H. | V. | |
′ | ′ | |||
Mean annual change | −5.79 | −2.38 | +25.9γ | −22.6γ |
Mean daily change, all days | −0.016 | −0.007 | +0.07γ | −0.06γ |
Mean daily change, quiet days | +0.044 | −0.245 | +3.34γ | −0.84γ |
Thus the changes during the representative quiet day differed from those of the average day. Before accepting such a phenomenon as natural, instrumental peculiarities must be carefully considered. The secular change is really based on the absolute instruments, the diurnal changes on the magnetographs, and the first idea likely to occur to a critical mind is that the apparent abnormal change on quiet days represents in reality change of zero in the magnetographs. If, however, the phenomenon were instrumental, it should appear equally on days other than quiet days, and we should thus have a shift of zero amounting in a year to over 1,200γ in H, and to about 90′ in I. Under such circumstances the curve would be continually drifting off the sheet. In the case of the Kew magnetographs, a careful investigation showed that if any instrumental change occurred in the declination magnetograph during the 11 years it did not exceed a few tenths of a minute. In the case of the H and V magnetographs at Kew there is a slight drift, of instrumental origin, due to weakening of the magnets, but it is exceedingly small, and in the case of H is in the opposite direction to the non-cyclic change on quiet days. It only remains to add that the hypothesis of instrumental origin was positively disproved by measurement of the curves on ordinary days.
It must not be supposed that every quiet day agrees with the average quiet day in the order of magnitude, or even in the sign, of the non-cyclic change. In fact, in not a few months the sign of the non-cyclic change on the mean of the quiet days differs from that obtained for the average quiet day of a period of years. At Kew, between 1890 and 1900, the number of months during which the mean non-cyclic change for the five quiet days selected by the astronomer royal (Sir W. H. M. Christie) was plus, zero, or minus, was as follows:—
Element. | D. | I. | H. | V. |
Number + | 63 | 13 | 112 | 47 |
Number 0 | 14 | 16 | 11 | 9 |
Number − | 55 | 101 | 9 | 74 |
The + sign denotes westerly movement in the declination, and increasing dip of the north end of the needle. In the case of I and H the excess in the number of months showing the normal sign is overwhelming. The following mean non-cyclic changes on quiet days are from other sources:—
Element. | Greenwich (1890–1895). | Falmouth (1898–1902). | Kolaba (1894–1901). |
′ | ′ | ′ | |
D | + 0.03 | + 0.05 | + 0.07 |
H | + 4.3γ | + 3.0γ | + 3.9γ |
The results are in the same direction as at Kew, + meaning in the case of D movement to the west. At Falmouth[2], as at Kew, the non-cyclic change showed a tendency to be small in years of few sun-spots.
§ 30. In calculating diurnal inequalities from quiet days the non-cyclic effect must be eliminated, otherwise the result would depend on the hour at which the “day” is supposed to commence. If the value recorded at the second midnight of the average day exceeds that at the first midnight by N, the elimination is effected by applying to each hourly value the correction N(12 − n)/24, where n is the hour counted from the first midnight (0 hours). This assumes the change to progress uniformly throughout the 24 hours. Unless this is practically the case—a matter difficult either to prove or disprove—the correction may not secure exactly what is aimed at. This method has been employed in the previous tables. The fact that differences do exist between diurnal inequalities derived from quiet days and all ordinary days was stated explicitly in § 4, and is obvious in Tables VIII. to XI. An extreme case is represented by the data for Jan Mayen in these tables. Figs. 9 and 10 are vector diagrams for this station, for all and for quiet days during May, June and July 1883, according to data got out by Lüdeling. As shown by the arrows, fig. 10 (quiet days) is in the main described in the normal or clockwise direction, but fig. 9 (all days) is described in the opposite direction. Lüdeling found this peculiar difference between all and quiet days at all the north polar stations occupied in 1882–1883 except Kingua Fjord, where both diagrams were described clockwise.
![]() | |
Fig. 9. | Fig. 10. |
In temperate latitudes the differences of type are much less, but still they exist. A good idea of their ordinary size and character in the case of declination may be derived from Table XXIX., containing data for Kew, Greenwich and Parc St Maur.
The data for Greenwich are due to W. Ellis[3], those for Parc St Maur to T. Moureaux[4]. The quantity tabulated is the algebraic excess of the all or ordinary day mean hourly value over the corresponding quiet day value in the mean diurnal inequality for the year. At Greenwich and Kew days of extreme disturbance have been excluded from the ordinary days, but apparently not at Parc St Maur. The number of highly disturbed days at the three stations is, however, small, and their influence is not great. The differences disclosed by Table XXIX. are obviously of a systematic character, which would not tend to disappear however long a period was utilized. In short, while the diurnal inequality from quiet days may be that most truly representative of undisturbed conditions, it does not represent the average state of conditions at the station. To go into full details respecting the differences between all and quiet days would occupy undue space, so the following brief summary of the differences observed in declination at Kew must suffice. While the inequality range is but little different for the two types of days, the mean of the hourly differences from the mean for the day is considerably reduced in the quiet days. The 24-hour term in the Fourier analysis is of smaller amplitude in the quiet days, and its phase angle is on the average about 6°.75 smaller than on ordinary days, implying a retardation of about 27 minutes in the time of maximum. The diurnal inequality range is more variable throughout the year in quiet days than on ordinary days, and the same is true of the absolute ranges. The tendency to a secondary minimum in the range at midsummer is considerably more decided on ordinary than on quiet days. When the variation throughout the year in the diurnal inequality range is expressed in Fourier series, whose periods are the year and its submultiples, the 6-month term is notably larger for ordinary than for quiet days. Also the date of the maximum in the 12-month term is about three days earlier for ordinary than for quiet days. The exact size of the differences between ordinary and quiet day phenomena must depend to some extent on the criteria employed in selecting quiet days and in excluding disturbed days. This raises difficulties when it comes to comparing results at different stations. For stations near together the difficulty is trifling. The astronomer royal’s quiet days have been used for instance at Parc St. Maur, Val Joyeux, Falmouth and Kew, as well as at Greenwich. But when stations are wide apart there are two obvious difficulties: first, the difference of local time; secondly, the fact that a day may be typically quiet at one station but appreciably disturbed at the other.
If the typical quiet day were simply the antithesis of a disturbed day, it would be natural to regard the non-cyclic change on quiet days as a species of recoil from some effect of disturbance. This view derives support from the fact, pointed out long ago by Sabine[5], that the horizontal force usually, though by no means always, is lowered by magnetic disturbances. Dr van Bemmelen[6] who has examined non-cyclic phenomena at a number of stations, seems disposed to regard this as a sufficient explanation. There are, however, difficulties in accepting this view. Thus, whilst the non-cyclic effect in horizontal force and inclination at Kew and Falmouth appeared on the whole enhanced in years of sun-spot maximum, the difference between years such as 1892 and 1894 on the one hand, and 1890 and 1900 on the other, was by no means proportional to the excess of disturbance in the former years. Again, when the average non-cyclic change of declination was calculated at Kew for 207 days, selected as those of most marked irregular disturbance between 1890 and 1900, the sign actually proved to be the same as for the average quiet day of the period.