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has only been done in the cases when 𝑛=2, 3 (the latter by Smith in Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. ix. p. 242).

For moderate values of 𝚫 the difficulty can generally be removed by constructing algebraic functions of 𝑗. Suppose we have an irreducible equation

π‘₯π‘šοΌ‹π‘β‚π‘₯π‘šοΌ1οΌ‹ . . . οΌ‹π‘π‘šοΌ0,

the coefficients of which are rational functions of 𝑗(πœ”). If we apply any modular substitution πœ”β€²οΌπ–²(πœ”), this leaves the equation unaltered, and consequently only permutates the roots among themselves: thus if π‘₯₁(πœ”) is any definite root we shall have π‘₯₁(πœ”β€²)=π‘₯𝑖(πœ”), where 𝑖 may or may not be equal to 1. The group of unitary substitutions which leave all the roots unaltered is a factor of the complete modular group. If we put 𝑦=π‘₯(π‘›πœ”), 𝑦 will satisfy an equation similar to that which defines π‘₯, with 𝑗′ written for 𝑗; hence, since 𝑗, 𝑗′ are connected by the equation 𝑓₁(𝑗, 𝑗′)=0, there will be an equation πœ“(π‘₯, 𝑦)=0 satisfied by π‘₯ and 𝑦. By suitably choosing π‘₯ we can in many cases find πœ“(π‘₯, 𝑦) without knowing 𝑓₁(𝑗, 𝑗′); and then the equation πœ“(π‘₯, π‘₯)=0 defines a set of singular moduli, each one of which belongs to a certain value of πœ” and all the quantities derived from it by the substitutions which leave π‘₯(πœ”) unaltered.

As one of the simplest examples, let 𝑛=2, π‘₯³-𝑗(πœ”)=𝑦³-𝑗(πœ”β€²)=0. Then the equation connecting π‘₯, 𝑦 in its complete form is of the ninth degree in each variable; but it can be proved that it has a rational factor, namely

𝑦³-π‘₯²𝑦²+495π‘₯𝑦+π‘₯³-2⁴ . 3Β³ . 5³=0,

and if in this we put π‘₯=𝑦=𝑒, the result is


the roots of which are 12, 20, - 15, - 15. It remains to find the values of πœ”, to which they belong. Writing 𝛾₂(πœ”)οΌβˆ›π‘—, it is found that we may define 𝛾₂ in such a way that 𝛾₂(πœ”οΌ‹1)=𝑒-2πœ‹π‘–/3𝛾₂(πœ”), 𝛾₂(οΌπœ”οΌ1)=𝛾₂(πœ”), whence it is found that


We shall therefore have 𝛾₂(2πœ”)=𝛾₂(πœ”) for all values of [πœ”?] such that

, 𝛼𝛿-𝛽𝛾=1, 𝛾𝛿+𝛾𝛼+𝛽𝛿-𝛽𝛿𝛾²≑0 (mod 3).

Putting (𝛼, 𝛽, 𝛾, 𝛿)=(0, -1, 1, 0) the conditions are satisfied, and 2πœ”οΌπ‘–βˆš2. Now 𝑗(𝑖)=172𝛿, so that 𝛾₂(𝑖)=12; and since 𝑗(πœ”) is positive for a pure imaginary, 𝛾₂(π‘–βˆš2)=20. The remaining case is settled by putting


with 𝛼, 𝛽, 𝛾, 𝛿 satisfying the same conditions as before. One solution is (-1, 2, 1, 1) and hence πœ”Β²οΌ‹3πœ”οΌ‹4=0, so that .

Besides 𝛾₂, other irrational invariants which have been used with effect are π›Ύβ‚ƒοΌβˆš(𝑗-172𝛿), the moduli πœ…, πœ…β€², their square and fourth roots, the functions 𝑓, 𝑓₁, 𝑓₂ defined by

, ,

and the function πœ‚(π‘›πœ”)/πœ‚(πœ”) where πœ‚(πœ”) is defined by


72. Another powerful method, developed by C. F. Klein and K. E. R. Fricke, proceeds by discussing the deficiency of 𝑓₁(𝑗, 𝑗′)=0 considered as representing a curve. If this deficiency is zero, 𝑗 and 𝑗′ may be expressed as rational functions of the same parameter, and this replaces the modular equation in the most convenient manner. For instance, when 𝑛=7, we may put

𝑗=(πœΒ²οΌ‹13πœοΌ‹49)(πœΒ²οΌ‹5πœοΌ‹1)Β³/πœοΌπœ™(𝜏), π‘—β€²οΌπœ™(πœβ€²),


The corresponding singular moduli are found by solving πœ™(𝜏)οΌπœ™(πœβ€²). For deficiency 1 we may find in a similar way two auxiliary functions π‘₯, 𝑦 connected by some simple equation πœ“(π‘₯, 𝑦)=0 not exceeding the fourth degree, and such that 𝑗, 𝑗′ are each rational functions of π‘₯ and 𝑦.

Hurwitz has extended this field of research almost indefinitely, not only by generalising the formulae for class-number sums, such as that in Β§ 69, but also by bringing the modular-function theory into connexion with that of algebraic correspondence and Abelian integrals. A comparatively simple example may help to indicate the nature of these researches. From the formulae given at the beginning of Β§ 67, we can deduce, by actual multiplication of the corresponding series,

οΌπšΊπœ’(π‘š)π‘žπ‘š/4    {π‘šοΌ1, 5, 9, . . .


extended over all the representations π‘šοΌπœ‰Β²οΌ‹4πœ‚Β². In a similar way

1/πœ‹πœƒβ€²β‚β‚πœƒβ‚β‚€οΌπœƒβ‚€β‚€πœƒβ‚β‚€Β² πœƒβ‚€β‚οΌ2𝚺(-1)1/4(π‘šοΌ1)πœ’(π‘š)π‘žπ‘š/2

1/πœ‹πœƒβ€²β‚β‚πœƒβ‚β‚€οΌπœƒβ‚€β‚€πœƒβ‚β‚€πœƒβ‚€β‚Β² =2𝚺(-1)1/4(π‘šοΌ1)πœ’(π‘š)π‘žπ‘š/4

If, now, we write


we shall have


where πœƒβ‚β‚€, πœƒβ‚€β‚, πœƒβ‚€β‚€ are connected by the relation (Β§ 67)


which represents, in homogeneous co-ordinates, a quartic curve of deficiency 3. For this curve, or any equivalent algebraic figure, 𝑗₁(πœ”), 𝑗₂(πœ”) and 𝑗₃(πœ”) supply an independent set of Abelian integrals of the first kind. If we put π‘₯οΌβˆšπœ…, π‘¦οΌβˆšπœ…β€², it is found that


so that the integrals which the algebraic theory gives in connexion with π‘₯⁴+𝑦⁴-1=0 are directly identified with 𝑗₁(πœ”), 𝑗₂(πœ”), 𝑗₃(πœ”) provided that we put π‘₯οΌβˆšπœ…(πœ”).

Other functions occur in this theory analogous to 𝑗₁(πœ”), but such that in the π‘ž-series which are the expansions of them the coefficients and exponents depend on representations of numbers by quaternary quadratic forms.

73. In the Berliner Sitzungsberzchte for the period 1883–1890, L. Kronecker published a very important series of articles on elliptic functions, which contain many arithmetical results of extreme elegance; some of these Kronecker had announced without proof many years before. A few will be quoted here, without any attempt at demonstration; but in order to understand them, it will be necessary to bear in mind two definitions. The first relates to the Legendre-Jacobi symbol . If π‘Ž, 𝑏 have a common factor we put ; while if π‘Ž is odd and 𝑏=2β„Žπ‘, where 𝑐 is odd, we put . The other definition relates to the classification of discriminants of quadratic forms. If 𝖣 is any number that can be such a discriminant, we must have 𝖣≑0 or 1 (mod. 4), and in every case we can write 𝖣=𝖣₀𝖰², where 𝖰² is a square factor of 𝖣, and 𝖣₀ satisfies one of the following conditions, in which 𝖯 denotes a product of different odd primes:β€”

                                          𝖣₀ = 𝖯, with 𝖯 ≑ 1 (mod 4)                                          
    𝖣₀ = 4𝖯, 𝖯 ≑ -1 (mod 4)    
    𝖣₀ = 8𝖯, 𝖯 ≑ Β±1 (mod 4)    

Numbers such as 𝖣₀ are called fundamental discriminants; every discriminant is uniquely expressible as the product of a fundamental discriminant and a positive integral square.

Now let 𝖣₁, 𝖣₂ be any two discriminants, then 𝖣₁𝖣₂ is also a discriminant, and we may put 𝖣₁𝖣₂=𝖣=𝖣₀𝖰², where 𝖣₀ is fundamental: this being done, we shall have

where we are to take β„Ž, π‘˜οΌ1, 2, 3, . . .οΌ‹βˆž ; π‘š, 𝑛=0, Β±1, Β±2, . . . ±∞ except that, if π–£οΌœ0, the case π‘šοΌπ‘›οΌ0 is excluded, and that, if π–£οΌž0, (2π‘Žπ‘šοΌ‹π‘π‘›)𝖳⩾𝑛𝖴 where (𝖳, 𝖴) is the least positive solution of 𝖳²-𝖣𝖴²=4. The sum applies to a system of representative primitive forms (π‘Ž, 𝑏, 𝑐) for the determinant 𝖣, chosen so that π‘Ž is prime to 𝖰, and 𝑏, 𝑐 are each divisible by all the prime factors of 𝖰. 𝖠 is any number prime to 2𝖣 and representable by (π‘Ž, 𝑏, 𝑐); and finally 𝜏=2, 4, 6, 1 according as π–£οΌœοΌ4, 𝖣=-4, 𝖣=-3 or π–£οΌž0. The function π–₯ is quite arbitrary, subject only to the conditions that π–₯(π‘₯𝑦)=π–₯(π‘₯)π–₯(𝑦), and that the sums on both sides are convergent. By putting π–₯(π‘₯)=π‘₯-1-𝜌, where 𝜌 is a real positive quantity, it can be deduced from the foregoing that, if 𝖣₂ is not a square, and if 𝖣₁ is different from 1,

where the function 𝖧(𝑑) is defined as follows for any discriminant 𝑑:β€”
