J. G. Fr. | James George Frazer, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., Litt.D.- Professor of Social Anthropology, Liverpool University, and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Fellow of the British Academy. Author of The Golden Bough; &c.
| | Penates (in part). |
J. H. A. H. | John Henry Arthur Hart, M.A.- Fellow, Theological Lecturer and Librarian, St John's College, Cambridge.
| | Pharisees. |
J. H. M. | John Henry Middleton, M.A., Litt.D., F.S.A., D.C.L. (1846-1896).- Slade Professor of Fine Art in the University of Cambridge, 1886-1895. Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 1889-1892. Art Director of the South Kensington Museum, 1892-1896. Author of The Engraved Gems of Classical Times; Illuminated Manuscripts in Classical and Mediaeval Times.
| | Phigalia (in part); Pinturicchio. |
J. H. R. | John Horace Round, M.A., LL.D.- Balliol College, Oxford. Author of Feudal England; Studies in Peerage and Family History; Peerage and Pedigree.
| | Percy: family (in part); Plantagenet. |
J. H. V. C. | John Henry Verrinder Crowe.- Lieut.-Colonel, Royal Artillery. Commandant of the Royal Military College of Canada. Formerly Chief Instructor in Military Topography and Military History and Tactics at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Author of Epitome of the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-1878; &c.
| | Plevna. |
J. L. M. | John Linton Myres, M.A., F.S.A., F.R.G.S.- Wykeham Professor of Ancient History in the University of Oxford, and Fellow of Magdalen College. Formerly Gladstone Professor of Greek and Lecturer in Ancient Geography, University of Liverpool. Lecturer in Classical Archaeology in University of Oxford, and Student and Tutor of Christ Church. Author of A History of Rome; &c.
| | Pelasgians. |
J. L. W. | Jessie Laidlay Weston.- Author of Arthurian Romances unrepresented in Malory.
| | Perceval. |
J. Mt. | James Moffatt, M.A., D.D.- Minister of the United Free Church of Scotland. Author of Historical New Testament; &c.
| | Philemon; Philippians, Epistle to the. |
J. M. M. | John Malcolm Mitchell.- Sometime Scholar of Queen's College, Oxford. Lecturer in Classics, East London College (University of London). Joint-editor of Grote's History of Greece.
| | Peisistratus; Peloponnesian War; Persia: History (Transition Period); Plutarch (in part). |
J. P. P. | John Percival Postgate, M.A., Litt.D.- Professor of Latin in the University of Liverpool. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Fellow of the British Academy. Editor of the Classical Quarterly. Editor-in-chief of the Corpus Poetarum Latinorum; &c.
| | Phaedrus. |
J. R. C. | Joseph Rogerson Cotter, M.A.- Assistant to the Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, Trinity College, Dublin. Editor of 2nd edition of Preston's Theory of Heat.
| | Phosphorescence. |
J. R. Gr. | Joseph Reynolds Green, M.A., D.Sc, F.L.S., F.R.S.- Fellow, Lecturer and Librarian of Downing College, Cambridge. Formerly Hartley Lecturer on Plant Physiology, University of Liverpool. Author of History of Botany; &c.
| | Plants: Physiology. |
J. S. F. | John Smith Flett, D.Sc, F.G.S.- Petrographer to the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. Formerly Lecturer on Petrology in Edinburgh University. Neill Medallist of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Bigsby Medallist of the Geological Society of London.
| | Pegmatite; Peridotite; Perlite; Petrology; Phonolite; Phosphates: Mineral Phosphates (in part); Phyllite; Picrite; Pitchstone; Pneumatolysis. |
J. T. Be. | John Thomas Bealby.- Joint-author of Stanford's Europe. Formerly Editor of the Scottish Geographical Magazine. Translator of Sven Hedin's Through Asia, Central Asia and Tibet; &c.
| | Perm (in part); Podolia (in part); Poland, Russian (in part). |
J. T. C. | Joseph Thomas Cunningham, M.A., F.Z.S.- Lecturer on Zoology at the South-Western Polytechnic, London. Formerly Fellow of University College, Oxford. Assistant Professor of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh. Naturalist to the Marine Biological Association.
| | Pearl; Pilchard. |
J. W. | James Williams, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D.- All Souls' Reader in Roman Law in the University of Oxford, and Fellow of Lincoln College. Barrister of Lincoln's Inn. Author of Wills and Succession; &c.
| | Personal Property. |
J. Wa. | James Waterhouse.- Major-General, Indian Army (retired). Assistant 5urveyor-Gencral of India in charge of Photographic and Lithographic Branch, Calcutta, 1866-1897. President of the Royal Photographic Society, 1905-1906. Author of The Preparation of Drawings for Photographic Purposes; &c.
| | Photography: Apparatus. |
J. Wal.* | James Walker, M.A.- Christ Church, Oxford. Demonstrator in the Clarendon Laboratory. Formerly Vice-President of the Physical Society. Author of The Analytical Theory of Light; &c.
| | Polarization of Light. |
J. W. D. | J. Whitly Dixon.- Captain, R.N, Nautical Assessor to the Court of Appeal.
| | Pilot (in part). |