W. M. R. | William Michael Rossetti.- See the biographical article: Rossetti, Dante Gabriel.
| | Tintoretto; Titian. |
W. M. Ra. | Sir William Mitchell Ramsay, Litt.D., D.C.L.- See the biographical article: Ramsay, Sir W. Mitchell.
| | Tarsus. |
W. N. S. | William Napier Shaw, M.A., LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.- Director of the Meteorological Office. Reader in Meteorology in the University of London. President of Permanent International Meteorological Committee. Member of Meteorological Council, 1897-1905. Hon. Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Fellow of Emmanuel College, 1877~1906; Senior Tutor, 1890-1899. Joint Author of Text-Book of Practical Physics; &c.
| | Sunshine. |
W. P. A. | Lieut.-Colonel William Patrick Anderson, M.Inst.C.E.. F.R.G.S.- Chief-Engineer, Department of Marine and Fisheries of Canada. Member of the Geographical Board of Canada. Past President of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers.
| | Superior: Lake. |
W. Ri. | William Ridgeway, M.A., D.Sc., Litt.D.- Disney Professor of Archaeology, and Brereton Reader in Classics, in the University of Cambridge. Fellow of Gonville and Caius College. Fellow of the British Academy. President of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 1908. Author of The Early Age of Greece; &c.
| | Thrace: Ancient Peoples. |
W. R. S. | William Robertson Smith, LL.D.- See the biographical article: Smith, W. Robertson.
| | Teraphim (in part). |
W. Sh. | William Sharp.- See the biographical article: Sharp, William.
| | Thoreau, Henry David. |
W. S. R. | William Smyth Rockstro.- Author of A Great History of Music from the Infancy of the Greek Drama to the Present Period; &c.
| | Tallis, Thomas. |
W. W. R.* | William Walker Rockwell, Lic.Theol.- Assistant Professor of Church History, Union Theological Seminary, New York.
| | Toledo, Councils of. |
W. Y. S. | William Young Sellar, LL.D.- See the biographical article: Sellar, William Young.
| | Terence (in part). |