Page:EB1911 - Volume 26.djvu/611

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the Alliance Year Book contains a directory of societies, which at least give some idea of the wide distribution of the movement. The following summary figures are extracted from the list; they relate to distinct organizations, exclusive of branches and sub-sections, having for their object the promotion of individual abstinence or of legislation:The United Kingdom, 62; Australasia, 11;Canada, 2; South Africa, 3; India, 2; United States, 10; Austria-Hungary, 8; Belgium, 2; Denmark, 5; France, 4; Germany, 12; Holland, 6; Sweden, 6; Switzerland, II. The figures are no doubt very imperfect and must not be taken in any way to represent the relative strength of temperance organizations in the several countries. The list for the United Kingdom is much more complete than for the other countries. The Alliance Year Book indeed gives the names of 130 organizations in the United Kingdom connected in some way with temperance work; but these include local branches, juvenile sections, insurance companies, orphanages and so on. An attempt has been made to pick out the temperance societies as ordinarily understood; but some of those included are merely committees for promoting particular pieces of legislation, and on the other hand bodies like the Salvation Army and the Church Army, which do a great deal of temperance work but are not primarily and principally engaged in it, have been omitted. Altogether the sub'ect is full of confusion and not susceptible of exact statement. The number of societies is no guide to the number of individuals, for many persons belong to several organizations. There can be little doubt that the or anized movement is numerically strongest in the United States and next strongest in the United Kingdom, but no reliable estimates can be made.

Some of the British societies call for particular notice. The two principal ones are the Church of England Temperance Society and the United Kingdom Alliance. The latter, founded in 1853, is the chief fighting political organization, having total prohibition of the liquor traffic for its object; its income is about £12,000 a year. The Church of England Temperance Society is much the largest of the British societies. It was founded in 1862 and reconstituted in 1873 on a dual basis of total abstinence and general CONSUMPTION PER HEAD OF POPULATION

Wine in Gallons.


Countries. 1' 4 ' 1

1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 United Kingdom 0-39 0-38 0-37 0-35 0-37 0-40 0-39 0-41 0-41 0-38 0°37 Cl-36 0-33 O'28 0-27 Rus'ia . . . . . .

N0rlyay ., . . . . . . .

Sweden . . . . . .

Denmark .. . . . . .. . . . .

Germany 0-57 1-01 1-89 1-43 1-06 2-29 I°34 0-77 1-03 1-45 1-14 1-14 1-61 1-74 I-61 France 23-0 21-0 31-0 T 24-0 ' I8'0 29-0 22-0 22-0 31-0 40-0 34-0 24-0 22-0 40-0 33-9 Belgium 0 90 0-84 0-75 0-86 0-90 1-03 0-86 0-88 0-90 I°0I 1-03 1-01 I'O8 0-95 1-03 Holland 0-44 -0-44 0-44 0-42 0-42 0-42 - 0-40 0-40 0-40 0-37 0-37 0-37 0-35 0-35 0-40 Switzerland . 16-0 14-0 17-0 15-0 I4'0 14-0 21-0 15-0 15-0 14-3 9-5 . Italy 26~0 23-0 21-0 17-0 16-0 19-0 18-0 21-0 20-0 22-0 29-0 27-0 24-6 26-2 18-5 Austria 2-2 2-4 3-5 3 1 3-3 2-9 2-6 3-3 3-3 4-0 4-0 4-0 3-5 4-0 4-2 United States 0-36 0-40 0-27 0 25 O'22 0-44 0-23 0-30 0-32 0-31 0-52 0-40 0-44 0-35 Canada o II 0-10 0-10 0-09 0-09 0-09 1 0-09 0-08 0-09 0-09 0-09 0-09 0-09 0-10 0-10 Australia 1-09 1-01 0-95 1 14 1-26 1-42 1-21 1-00 0-74 I-22 1-38 1-11 1-48 1-24 1-27 New Zealand 0 17 0-17 0-17 0 14 0-13 0-14 0-15 0-15 0-15 0-15 0-16 0-16 0-15 0-14 0-13 Beer in Gallons.

I 9

United Kingdom 30-2 29-8 29-6 29 5 29-6 30-8 31-3 31-8 32-6 31-6 30-8 30-3 29-7 28-8 27-7 Russia 0-70 0-70 0-62 0 67 0-84 0-92 0-94 0-89 0-97 0-94 O°92 0-89 1-05 1-03 If-0l'W3Y - ~ 4'3 4'5 4'6 4 4 3'9 3'6 3'9 4°3 5'I 5'0 4'4 3'9 3'I 2'9 3'0 Sweden 6-8 6-8 7-0 7 3 7-8 9-3 9-9 11-0 12-8 12-4 13-3 12-5 12-9 11-6 Denmark 17-9 18-5 19 1 19-1 20-2 20-8 20-8 22-0 21-7 21-1 20-8 20-2 20-5 20°5 lG€1'm€mY 23'2 23'7 23'9 23 5 25'5 25'5 27'I 27'3 27'5 27'5 27'3 25'5 25'7 25'7 26°3 Ffaf1<¥€ ~ 4'3 5'3 5'3 4 3 5'I 5'3 5'3 5'5 5'7 5°9 3'I 3'I 7'7 3'I 7'5 E{€§ 1Ufé1 - - 39'2 4 39°3 40'0 40 3 42'2 43'6 44'4 45'5 46'9 43'2 43'2 47'I 47'7 43'2 43°3 03.11 . . .. .. .. . .. - . .. . .. .. .. .. .. Switzerland IO~6 l II'O { 11-4 II 2 12-5 13-9 14-7 15-4 15-4 14-7 13-4 13-6 14-3 I4'3 Italy 0 IS 0-13 0-12 0 10 0-11 0-10 0-11 0-12 0-13 0 14 0-15 0'I6 0-17 0-20 0-22 ~“U§ ff1€1, - ~ 7'5 3'4 3'3 9 0 9'2 9'9 9'9 9'9 9'9 9'9 9'9 9'5 9'2 9'5 9'0 United States 12-6 13-5 12-8 12 6 13-2 I2'4 13-3 12-7 13-3 13 5 14-6 I5~0 15-2 15-4 16-8 Canada- ~ ~ 3 3 3'6 3'5 3 5 3'4 3'6 3'5 3'9 4'1 4 4 4'7 5'I 4'8 5'0 5'4 Australia II 7 10-6 9-1 9 0 10-2 11-0 11-4 11-7 11-8 12 6 12-4 I2-4 11-8 11-3 11-3 New Zeal-md 7 3 7'6 7'7 7 4 7'4 7'9 3'2 3'4 3°6 9 I 9'4 9'2 9'5 9°5 9'2 Spirits in Gallons.


United Kingdom 1-03 1-03 0-98 0-97 I~0O 1-02 1-03 1-04 1-09 1 II 1-09 1-O5 0-99 0-95 0-91 Russia 0-89 0-89 0-89 0-95 0-92 0-89 0-92 0-92 1-00 0-97 0-92 0-92 1-00 0-95 Norway 0-70 0-62 0-68 0 73 0-66 0-44 O°42 0-48 0-62 0 64 0-64 0-64 0-62 0-62 0-51 Sweden 1 28 1-30 I-30 1-34 1-34 1-39 1-45 1-56 1-63 1-67 1-65 1 52 1-43 1-34 1-36 Denmark 2 67 2-79 2-90 2 71 2-79 2-86 2-71 2'60 2-77 2 58 2-69 2-69 2-50 2-44 2-42 Germany 1 67 1-67 1-69 1 69 1-63 1-67 1-63 1-63 1-69 1 67 1-63 1-61 1-54 1-54 1-43 FFHHCC - I 63 I'74 V65 I 54 I°55 P59 V63 I'79 I'75 I 77 I°33 1'24 V35 I'50 P37 Belgium 1 87 1-85 1-83 1 83 1-94 1-63 1-72 1-63 1-63 1 80 I-89 1-61 1-01 1-14 I-10 Holland 1 72 1-72 1-69 1 69 1-65 1-65 1-61 1-58 1-54 1 58 1-56 54 1-50 1-50 1-43 Switzerland 1 19 1-21 ' 1-19 1 08 I-O8 I'I2 1-14 1-17 1-12 1 06 0-92 0-95 o-99 1-01 Italy 0~28 0-29 0-21 0 24 0-19 0-21 0-23 0-21 0~22 0-24 O'24 0-24 0-25 0-28 0-29 Austria 1 98 2-20 1-98 1 98 1-98 1-98 1-98 1-98 2-20 1-98 I-98 1-98 1-98 1-98 1-98 United States 1-24 1-27 1-12 0 Q5 0-84 0-85 0-93 0-98 I'O4 1-09 I'I3 1-22 I'23 I'2l 1-26 Canada 0 74 0-71 0-76 0 76 0-69 0-65 0-75 0-56 0-69 O~7I 0-76 0-80 0-83 0-95 0-94 Australia 1 13 0-97 0-68 0-75 0-73 O'82 0-78 0-79 0-83 0-89 0-97 0-84 0-79 0-87 0-96 New Zealand 0-70 0-71 0-70 0-65 0-63 o-64 0-66 0-66 0-69 0-72 0-76 0-75 0-75 0-76 0-73