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are exercised, as it were, on a particular tract of the digestive system, at the bidding of another tract. Pawlow, recognizing the importance of keeping the animals under the most normal conditions that were possible, and of studying the different tracts of the digestive system in animals not anaesthetized, yet free from pain or distress, made use of fistulae established at different points of the digestive canal, and was able to study the digestive juices at different stages during digestion, without causing pain to the animals. The work of Pawlow has been further developed by Professor Starling's recent work on the chemical substances produced in the body, during the act of digestion, to promote digestion.

4. Glycogen.—Claude Bernard's work on the assimilation and destruction of sugar in the body was begun in 1843. His discovery of the glycogen action of the liver was made by keeping two dogs on different diets, one with sugar, the other without it, then killing them during digestion, and testing the blood in the veins coming from the liver: "“What was my surprise when I found a considerable quantity of sugar in the hepatic veins of the dog that had been fed on meat only, and had been kept for eight days without sugar! … Finally, after many attempts—après beaucoup d'essais et plusieurs illusions que je fus obligé de rectifier par des tâtonnements—I succeeded in showing, that in dogs fed on meat the blood passing through the portal vein (from the stomach) does not contain sugar before it reaches the liver; but when it leaves the liver and comes by the hepatic veins into the inferior vena cava, this same blood contains a considerable quantity of a sugary substance (glucose)” (Nouvelle fonction du foie, Paris, 1853).

5. The Pancreas.—The 17th century was a time of very fanciful theories about the pancreas (Lindanus, Wharton, Bartholini), which need not be recalled here. But Sylvius (François de Bois) had the wisdom to see that the pancreas must be estimated, not according to its position, but according to its structure, as of the nature of the salivary glands. He urged his pupil, Regnier de Graaf, to study it by experiment, and de Graaf says: “I put my hand to the work; and though many times I despaired of success, yet at last, by the blessing of God on my work and prayers, in the year 1662 I discovered a way of collecting the pancreatic juice.” By the method of a fistula he collected and studied the secretion of the pancreas; and by further experiment he refuted Bartholini's theory that the pancreas was a sort of appanage or “biliary vesicle” of the spleen. But he got no help from the chemistry of his time; he could no more discover the amylolytic action of the pancreatic secretion than Galvani could discover wireless telegraphy. Still, he did good work; and Claude Bernard, 180 years later, went back to de Graaf's method of the fistula. His observations, begun in 1846, received a prize from the French Academy in 1850. Sir Michael Foster says of them: “Valentin, it is true, had in 1844 not only inferred that the pancreatic juice had an action on starch, but confirmed his view by actual experiment with the juice expressed from the gland; and Eberlé had suggested that the juice had some action on fat; but Bernard at one stroke made clear its threefold action. He showed that it on the one hand emulsified, and on the other hand split up into fatty acids and glycerin, the neutral fats; he clearly proved that it had a powerful action on starch, converting it into sugar; and lastly, he laid bare its remarkable action on proteid matters.” At a later date it was discovered that the pancreas, beside its work in digestion, has an “internal secretion”: that it, like the thyroid gland and the suprarenal capsules, helps to keep the balance of the general chemistry of the whole body. Professor Schäfer, writing in 1894, says on this subject: “It was discovered a few years ago by von Mering and Minkowski that if, instead of merely diverting its secretion, the pancreas is bodily removed, the metabolic processes of the organism, and especially the metabolism of carbo-hydrates, are entirely deranged, the result being the production of permanent diabetes. But if even a very small part of the gland is left within the body, the carbo-hydrate metabolism remains unaltered, and there is no diabetes. The small portion of the organ which has been allowed to remain (and which need not even be left in its proper place, but may be transplanted under the skin or elsewhere) is sufficient, by the exchanges which go on between it and the blood generally, to prevent those serious consequences to the composition of the blood, and the general constitution of the body, which result from the complete removal of this organ.” This fact, that complete removal of the pancreas, in a cat or a dog, may cause fatal diabetes, is of importance, because the pancreas in some cases of diabetes in man is diseased: but, at present, experiments on animals have not led to any certain or specific cure of diabetes in man.

6. The Growth of Bone.—The experiments made by du Hamel (1739-1843) on the growth of bone by deposit from the periosteum (the thin membrane enshcathing each bone) rose out of Belchier's observation (1735) that the bones take up the stain of madder mixed with the food. Du Hamel studied the whole subject very carefully, and discovered this bone-producing power of the periosteum, which is an important fact in all operations on the bones. As he puts it, in the title of one of his own memoirs, Les os croissant en grosseur par l'addition de couches osseuses qui tirent leur origine du périoste, comme le corps ligneux des Arbres augmente en grosseur par l'addition de couches ligneuses qui se forment dans l'écorce. By feeding pigs at one time with dyed food, at another with undyed food, he obtained their bones in concentric layers alternately stained and unstained. His facts were confirmed by Bazan (1746) and Boehmer (1751); but his conclusions, unfortunately, were opposed by Haller. Still, he brought men to study the whole subject of the growth of bones, in length as well as in thickness, and the whole modelling of the bones, in adult life, by deposit and absorption. Bichat, John Hunter, Troja and Cruveilhier took up his work in physiology and in surgery. Later, from the point of view of surgery, Syme (1837) and Stanley (1849) made experiments on the growth of bone, and on the exfoliation of dead bone; and, after them, Ollier, whose influence on this part of surgical practice has been of the very highest value.

7. The Nervous System.—A. The Nerve-Roots.—Through all the centuries between Galen, who lived in the time of Commodus, and Sir Charles Bell, who lived in the time of George III., no great advance was made in our knowledge of the nervous system. The way of experiment, which had led Galen far ahead of his age, was neglected, and everything was overwhelmed by theories. Bell in London and Magendie in Paris took up the experimental study of the nervous system about where Galen had left it. The question of priority of discovery does not concern us here: we may take Sir Michael Foster's judgment, that Magendie brought exact and full proof of the truth which Bell had divined rather than demonstrated, that the anterior and posterior roots of spinal nerves have essentially different functions—“a truth which is the very foundation of the physiology of the nervous system.” The date of Bell's work is 1811, An Idea of a New Anatomy of the Brain, submitted for the Observation of the Author's Friends. In it he says: “Considering that the spinal nerves have a double root, and being, of opinion that the properties of the nerves are derived from their connexions with the parts of the brain, I thought that I had an opportunity of putting my opinion to the test of experiment, and of proving at the same time that nerves of different endowments were in the same cord (the same nerve-trunk) and held together by the same sheath. On laying bare the roots of the spinal nerves I found that I could cut across the posterior fasciculus of nerves, which took its origin from the spinal marrow, without convulsing the muscles of the back; but that on touching the anterior fasciculus with the point of the knife, the muscles of the back were immediately convulsed. Such were my reasons for concluding that the cerebrum and cerebellum were parts distinct in function, and that every nerve possessing a double function obtained that by having a double root. I now saw the meaning of the double connexion of the ner-es with the spinal marrow, and also the cause of that seeming intricacy in the connexions of nerves throughout their course, which were not double at their origins.” His other work, on the cranial nerves, which are “not double at their origins,” bore fruit at once in surgery. Sir John Erichsen says of it: “Up to the time that Sir Charles Bell made his experiments on the nerves of the face, it was the common custom of surgeons to divide the facial nerve for the relief of neuralgia, tic douleureux; whereas it exercises, and was proved by Sir Charles Bell to exercise, no influence over sensation, and its division consequently for the relief of pain was a useless operation.”

B. Reflex Action.—The observations made by Sir Robert Boyle, Redi, Le Gallois and others on the reflex movements of decapitated vipers, frogs, eels and butterflies were of no great use from the point of view of physiology; but they led toward the discovery that nerve-power is stored in the spinal cord, and is liberated thence in action independent of the higher cerebral centres. Marshall Hall (1832-1837) discovered, by his experiments, that reflex actions are the work of definite groups of cells, set at certain points or levels in the cord; he proved the segmental structure of the cord, the existence of nerve-centres in it, and thus foreshadowed the discovery of the like centres in the brain. In his earlier writings (1832-33) he extended the principles of the doctrines of reflex action to the larynx, the pharynx and the sphincter muscles; later, in 1837, he demonstrated the course of nerve-impulses within the cord, from one level to another, and the effects of direct stimulation of the cord. Also he noted the effects of opium and of strychnine on reflex action; and the reflex character of the convulsions that occur in certain diseases.

C. The Medulla Oblongata and the Cerebellum.—Flourens, who was among the earliest students of the use of chloroform, is best known for his experiments on the respiratory centre and the cerebellum. He localized the cells in the medulla that govern the reflex movement of respiration. Afterward came the discovery of cardiac and other centres in the neighbourhood of the respiratory centre. He showed also that the cerebellum is concerned with the equilibration and co-ordination of the muscles; that an animal, a few days old, deprived of sensation and consciousness by removal of the cerebral hemispheres, was yet able to stand and to move forward, but when the cerebellum also was removed, lost all power of co-ordination (Recherches expérimentales, Paris, 1842). And from the observations made by him and by others, it was found that the semicircular canals of the internal ears are the terminal organs of the sense of equilibration.

D. The Vaso-Motor Nerves.—Claude Bernard, studying the sympathetic nervous system, discovered the vaso-motor nerves that