Page:EB1911 - Volume 28.djvu/415

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This, however, is a kind of failure not always attributable to want of proper supervision during construction, but rather to improper choice of the site, or treatment of the case, by those primarily responsible.

In countries where good clay or retentive earth cannot be obtained, numerous alternative expedients have been adopted with more or less success. In the mining districts of America, for example, where timber is cheap, rough stone embankments have been lined on the water face Dams with diaphragms of wood, steel, concrete, &c. with timber to form the water-tight septum. In such position, even if the timber can be made sufficiently water-tight to begin with, the alternate immersion and exposure to air and sunshine promotes expansion and contraction, and induces rapid disintegration, leakage and decay. Such an expedient may be justified by the doubtful future of mining centres, but would be out of the question for permanent water supply. Riveted sheets of steel have been occasionally used, and, where bedded in a sufficient thickness of concrete, with success. At the East Cañon Creek dam, Utah, the height of which is about 61 ft. above the stream, the trench below ground was filled with concrete much in the usual way, while above ground the water-tight diaphragm consists of a riveted steel plate varying in thickness from 5/16 in. to 3/16 in. This steel septum was protected on either side by a thin wall of asphaltic concrete supported by rubble stone embankments, and owing to irregular settling of the embankments became greatly distorted, apparently, however, without causing leakage. Asphalt, whether a natural product or artificially obtained, as, for example, in some chemical manufactures, is a most useful material if properly employed in connexion with reservoir dams. Under sudden impact it is brittle, and has a conchoidal fracture like glass; but under continued pressure it has the properties of a viscous fluid. The rate of flow is largely dependent upon the proportion of bitumen it contains, and is of course retarded by mixing it with sand and stone to form what is commonly called asphalt concrete. But given time, all such compounds, if they contain enough bitumen to render them water-tight, appear to settle down even at ordinary temperatures as heavy viscous fluids, retaining their fluidity permanently if not exposed to the air. Thus they not only penetrate all cavities in an exceedingly intrusive manner, but exert pressures in all. directions, which, owing to the density of the asphalt, are more than 40% greater than would be produced by a corresponding depth of water. From the neglect of these considerations numerous failures have occurred.

Elsewhere, a simple concrete or masonry wall or core has been used above as well as below ground, being carried up between embankments either of earth or rubble stone. This construction has received its highest development in America. On the Titicus, a tributary of the Croton river, an earthen dam was completed in 1895, with a concrete core wall 100 ft. high—almost wholly above the original ground level, which is said to be impermeable; but other dams of the same system, with core walls of less than 100 ft. in height, are apparently in their present condition not impermeable. Reservoir No. 4 of the Boston waterworks, completed in 1885, has a concrete core wall. The embankment is 1800 ft. long and 60 ft. high. The core wall is about 8 ft. thick at the bottom and 4 ft. thick at the top, and in the middle of the valley nearly 100 ft. in height. At irregular intervals of 150 ft. or more buttresses 3 ft. wide and 1 ft. thick break the continuity on the water side. That this work has been regarded as successful is shown by the fact that Reservoir No. 6 of the same waterworks was subsequently constructed and completed in 1894 with a similar core wall. There is no serious difficulty in so constructing walls of this kind as to be practically water-tight while they remain unbroken; but owing to the settlement of the earthen embankments and the changing level of saturation they are undoubtedly subject to irregular stresses which cannot be calculated, and under which, speaking generally, plastic materials are much safer. In Great Britain masonry or concrete core wails have been generally confined to positions below ground. Thus placed, no serious strains are caused either by changes of temperature or of moisture or by movements of the lateral supports, and with proper ingredients and care a very thin wall wholly below ground may be made watertight.

The next class of dam to be considered is that in which the structure as a whole is so bound together that, with certain reservations, it may be considered as a monolith subject chiefly to the overturning tendency of water pressure resisted by the weight of the structure itself Masonry dams. and the supporting pressure of the foundation. Masonry dams are, for the most part, merely retaining walls of exceptional size, in which the overturning pressure is water. If such a dam is sufficiently strong, and is built upon sound and moderately rough rock, it will always be incapable of sliding. Assuming also that it is incapable of crushing under its own weight and the pressure of the water, it must, in order to fail entirely, turn over on its outer toe, or upon the outer face at some higher level. It may do this in virtue of horizontal water-pressure alone, or of such pressure combined with upward pressure from intrusive water at its base or in any higher horizontal plane. Assume first, however, that there is no uplift from intrusive water. As the pressure of water is nil at the surface and increases in direct proportion to the depth, the overturning moment is as the cube of the depth; and the only figure which has a moment of resistance due to gravity, varying also as the cube of its depth, is a triangle. The form of stability having the least sectional area is therefore a triangle. It is obvious that the angles at the base of such a hypothetical dam must depend upon the relation between its density and that of the water. It can be shown, for example, that for masonry having a density of 3, water being 1, the figure of minimum section is a right-angled triangle, with the water against its vertical face; while for a greater density the water face must lean towards the water, and for a less density away from the water, so that the water may he upon it. For the sections of masonry dams actually used in practice, if designed on the condition that the centre of all vertical pressures when the reservoir is full shall be, as hereafter provided, at two-thirds the width of the base from the inner toe, the least sectional area for a density of 2 also has a vertical water face. As the density of the heaviest rocks is only 3, that of a masonry dam must be below 3, and in practice such works if well constructed vary from 2⋅2 to 2⋅6 . For these densities, the deviation of the water face from the vertical in the figure of least sectional area is, however, so trifling that, so far as this consideration is concerned, it may be neglected.

Fig. 12.—Diagram of Right-Angled Triangle Dam.

If the right-angled triangle abc, fig. 12, be a profile 1 ft. thick of a monolithic dam, subject to the pressure of water against its vertical side to the full depth ab = d in feet, the horizontal pressure of water against the section of the dam, increasing uniformly with the depth, is properly represented by the isosceles right-angled triangle abe, in which be is the maximum water-pressure due to the full depth d, while the area abe = d2/2 is the total horizontal pressure against the dam, generally stated in cubic feet of water, acting at one-third its depth above the base. Then d2/2 is the resultant horizontal pressure with an overturning moment of


If x be the width of the base, and ρ the density of the masonry, the weight of the masonry in terms of a cubic foot of water will be ρxd/2 at its centre of gravity g, situated at 2/3x from the outer toe, and the moment of resistance to overturning on the outer toe,
