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appearance, character and habits of many of the animals to be found in British Guiana. Waterton was a keen and accurate observer, and his descriptions are of a graphic and humorous character, rarely to be found in works on natural history. He married in 1829, and from that time lived mostly at Walton Hall, devoting himself to the improvement of his estate, to country pursuits, and to natural history observations. He also published three series of Essays in Natural History (1838, 1844, 1857). He died at Walton Hall on the 27th of May 1865, from the result of an accident. His only son, Edmund Waterton (1830-1887), was an antiquary, who paid special attention to rings; some of those he collected are in the Victoria and Albert Museum.

WATERTOWN, a township of Middlesex county, Massachusetts, U.S.A., on the Charles river, about 6 m. W. of Boston. Pop. (1890) 7073; (1900) 9706, of whom 2885 were foreign-born and 53 were negroes; (1910 census) 12,875. Area, 4.1 sq. m. Watertown is served by the Fitchburg division of the Boston & Maine railway, and is connected with Boston, Cambridge, Newton (immediately adjacent and served by the New York, New Haven & Hartford railway) and neighbouring towns by electric railways. It is a residential and manufacturing suburb of Boston. The township is at the head of navigation on the Charles, and occupies the fertile undulating plains along the river running back to a range of hills, the highest of which are Whitney Hill (200 ft.) and Meeting House Hill (250 ft.). Within the township are several noteworthy examples of colonial architecture. There are several small parks and squares, including Central Square, Beacon Square, about which the business portion of the township is centred, and Saltonstall Park, in which is a monument to the memory of Watertown's soldiers who died in the Civil War, and near which are the Town House and the Free Public Library, containing a valuable collection of 60,000 books and pamphlets and historical memorials. There are two interesting old burying-grounds: one on Grove Street, near the Cambridge line, first used in 1642, contains a monument to John Coolidge, killed during the British retreat from Concord and Lexington on the 19th of April 1775; the other is near the centre of the village about the former site of the First Parish Church. In Coolidge's Tavern (still standing) Washington was entertained on his New England tour in 1789; and in a house recently moved from Mt Auburn Street to Marshall Street the Committee of Safety met in 1775. Within the township are mounds and earthworks which Professor E. N. Horsford thought were the remains of a Norse settlement in the 11th century, and which include a semicircular amphitheatre of six tiers or terraces which he thought was an assembly place, and a portion of a stone wall or dam. The Federal government maintains at Watertown one of its principal arsenals, occupying grounds of about 100 acres along the river. Several of the original low brick buildings, built between 1816 and 1820, still stand. In 1905 the value of Watertown's factory products was $15,524,675.

Watertown was one of the earliest of the Massachusetts Bay settlements, having been begun early in 1630 by a group of settlers led by Sir Richard Saltonstall and the Rev. George Phillips. The first buildings were upon land now included within the limits of Cambridge. For the first quarter century Watertown ranked next to Boston in population and area. Since then its limits have been greatly reduced. Thrice portions have been added to Cambridge, and it has contributed territory to form the new townships of Weston (1712), Waltham (1738), and Belmont (1859). In 1632 the residents of Watertown protested against being compelled to pay a tax for the erection of a stockade fort at Cambridge; this was the first protest in America against taxation without representation and led to the establishment of representative government in the colony. As early as the close of the 17th century Watertown was the chief horse and cattle market in New England and was known for its fertile gardens and fine estates. Here about 1632 was erected the first grist mill in the colony, and in 1662 one of the first woollen mills in America was built here. In the First Parish Church, the site of which is marked by a monument, the Provincial Congress, after adjournment from Concord, met from April to July 1775; the Massachusetts General Court held its sessions here from 1775 to 1778, and the Boston town meetings were held here during the siege of Boston, when many of the well-known Boston families made their homes in the neighbourhood. For several months early in the War of Independence the Committees of Safety and Correspondence made Watertown their headquarters and it was from here that General Joseph Warren set out for Bunker Hill. In 1832–1834 Theodore Parker conducted a private school here and his name is still preserved in the Parker School.

See S. A. Drake, History of Middlesex County (2 vols., Boston, 1880); Convers Francis, A Historical Sketch of Watertown to the close of its Second Century (Cambridge, 1830); S. F. Whitney, Historical Sketch of Watertown (Boston, 1906); and “Watertown,” by S. F. Whitney, in vol. iii. of D. Hamilton Hurd's History of Middlesex County (Philadelphia, 1890). The Watertown Records (4 vols., Watertown and Boston, 1894–1906) have been published by the Historical Society of Watertown (organized in 1888 and incorporated in 1891).

WATERTOWN, a city and the county-seat of Jefferson county, New York, U.S.A., 73 m. (by rail) N. of Syracuse, on the Black river. Pop. (1890) 14,725; (1900) 21,696, of whom 5119 were foreign-born and 75 were negroes; (1910 census) 26,730. Watertown is served by the New York Central & Hudson River railway. The city has several squares and public parks, one of them, City Park, having an area of about 300 acres. Among the public buildings and institutions are the city hall, the Federal building, the county court house, a state armoury, the Flower Memorial Library (erected as a memorial to Roswell P. Flower, governor of New York in 1892–1893, by his daughter, Mrs J. B. Taylor) with 25,514 vols, in 1910, the Immaculate Heart Academy (Roman Catholic), the Jefferson County Orphan Asylum (1859), the St Patrick's Orphanage (1897; under the Sisters of St Joseph), the Henry Keep Home (1879), for aged men and women, St Joachim's Hospital (1896; under the Sisters of Mercy), and the House of the Good Samaritan (1882). Watertown is situated in a fertile agricultural and dairying region, of which it is a distributing centre, and it ships large quantities of farm produce and dairy products (especially cheese). The Black river furnishes water-power which is utilized by manufacturing establishments of diversified character. In 1905 he city's factory product was valued at $8,371,618. Watertown was settled during the late years of the 18th century. It became the county-seat in 1805, was incorporated as a village in 1816 and was first chartered as a city in 1869.

WATERTOWN, a city of Dodge and Jefferson counties, Wisconsin, U.S.A., on both banks of the Rock river, about 45 m. W.N.W. of Milwaukee. Pop. (1890) 8755; (1900) 8437, including 2447 foreign-born; (1905, state census) 8623; (1910) 8829. Watertown is served by the Chicago & North-Western and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul railways, and by an interurban electric line, connecting with Milwaukee. It is the seat of North-western University (1865; Lutheran), which includes collegiate, preparatory and academic departments, and had in 1908–1909 11 instructors and 283 students, and of the Sacred Heart College (Roman Catholic, opened in 1872 and chartered in 1874), under the Congregation of the Holy Cross. There are also a Carnegie library, a Lutheran Home for the Feeble-Minded, and a City Hospital. The Rock river furnishes water-power which is utilized for manufacturing. The value of the factory product in 1905 was $2,065,487. The city is situated in a dairying and farming region. The municipality owns and operates its waterworks. Watertown was founded about 1836 by settlers who gave it the name of their former home, Watertown, New York. Afterwards there was a great influx of Germans, particularly after the Revolution of 1848, among them being Carl Schurz, who began the practice of law here. Germans by birth or descent still constitute a majority of the population. Watertown was incorporated as a village in 1849, and was chartered as a city in 1853.

WATERVILLE, a city of Kennebec county, Maine, U.S.A., on the Kennebec river, 19 m. above Augusta. Pop. (1900)