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A. B. Go. Alfred Bradley Gough, M.A., Ph.D.
Sometime Casberd Scholar of St John’s College, Oxford. English Lector in the University of Kiel, 1896-1905.
Westphalia, Treaty of.
A. C. S. Algernon Charles Swinburne.
See the biographical article: Swinburne, Algernon Charles.
Webster, John.
A. D. Mo. Anson Daniel Morse, M.A., LL.D.
Emeritus Professor of History at Amherst College, Mass. Professor at Amherst College, 1877-1908.
Whig Party.
A. E. S. Arthur Everett Shipley, M.A., D. Sc., F.R.S.
Master of Christ’s College, Cambridge. Reader in Zoology, Cambridge University. Joint-editor of the Cambridge Natural History.
Wasp (in part); Weevil (in part).
A. F. B. Aldred Farrer Barker, M.Sc.
Professor of Textile Industries at Bradford Technical College.
Wool, Worsted and Woollen Manufactures.
A. F. B.* Archibald Frank Becke.
Captain, Royal Field Artillery. Author of Introduction to the History of Tactics, 1740-1905; &c.
Waterloo Campaign.
A. F. H. A. F. Hutchison, M.A.
Sometime Rector of the High School, Stirling.
Wallace, Sir William.
A. F. L. Arthur Francis Leach, M.A.
Barrister-at-law, Middle Temple. Charity Commissioner for England and Wales. Formerly Assistant-Secretary to the Board of Education. Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, 1874-1881. Author of English Schools at the Reformation; &c.
Waynflete, William; William of Wykeham.
A. F. P. Albert Frederick Pollard, M.A., F.R.Hist.S.
Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. Professor of English History in the University of London. Assistant-Editor of the Dictionary of National Biography, 1893-1901. Author of England under the Protector Somerset; Life of Thomas Cranmer; Henry VIII.; &c.
Walsingham, Francis; Wishart, George; Wolsey, Cardinal.
A. M. C. Agnes Mary Clerke.
See the biographical article: Clerke, Agnes M.
A. N. Alfred Newton, F.R.S.
See the biographical article: Newton, Alfred.
Vulture; Wagtail; Warbler; Waxwing; Weaver-bird; Wheatear; Whitethroat; Wigeon; Woodcock; Woodpecker; Wren; Wryneck; Zosterops.
A. P. C. Arthur Philemon Coleman, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.
Professor of Geology in the University of Toronto. Geologist, Bureau of Mines, Toronto, 1893-1910. Author of Reports of the Bureau of Mines of Ontario.
Yukon Territory.
A. Sy. Arthur Symons.
See the biographical article: Symons, Arthur.
Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Comte de.
A. S. C. Alan Summerly Cole, C.B.
Formerly Assistant-Secretary, Board of Education, South Kensington. Author of Ornament in European Silks; Catalogue of Tapestry, Embroidery, Lace and Egyptian Textiles in the Victoria and Albert Museum; &c.
Weaving: Archaeology and Art.
A. S. P.-P. Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison, M.A., LL.D., D.C.L.
Professor of Logic and Metaphysics in the University of Edinburgh. Gifford Lecturer in the University of Aberdeen, 1911. Fellow of the British Academy. Author of Man’s Place in the Cosmos; The Philosophical Radicals; &c.
Weber's Law; Wolff, Christian (in part).
A. v. O. Aloys von Orelli.
Formerly Professor of Law in the University of Zürich. Author of Das Staatsrecht der schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft.
  1. A complete list, showing all individual contributors, appears in the final volume.