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Page:EB1911 - Volume 29.djvu/949

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Biographies (cont.) r.v, Ilisha rove. Sir Willi* uericke. Otto x- Ttonlg, K. K- „ Kundt, A. A. E. E. Lambert, J. H. Langley, S. P. Lichtenbertf, G. 0. Lodse, Sir Oliver J. Biographies ( ar- Olmstod, Denisa

Religion and Theology

Doctrines and Terms : General Conversion Pastoral Letter Clmreh _ Homily Syncellus . Commendation Interim Theocracy Coiifi'rmat'iOTi Millennium Venerable Confirmation of Bishops Mortuary Worship Convent Order, Holy HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY Church History to the Council of Trent : Stihjed (See also Reformation) Church History Elvira, Synod of Nazarcnes II of " . Si* ili'un nati 9 Laoc Lect'i in Co vnod of uncila calls ii-o. !cou stolorun Alphege (.Elfheah) Anthony of Partus Borgia. Francis Borromeo, Carlo Bridget Canter- Bridget of Sweden Bruno (c. 1030-1101 Drimo of Querfuit Christopher Chryaoatom rticlea under place-names, Crispin am Cutlibert Edmund Elizabeth Eloi (Eligius) Ephraem Syrua Felix of Vatois Gregory of Nyssi Saints font.) arion alius ariusof Artea da liegard Ninian Notker . Patrick Pclagin * ° Richard of Wyoh Rupert Saintf-Cyiaii Sebastian Scrgius Simeon Stylltes in of Ticvcrlev lin of the Cross Christian Documents oatoneal Confltitn* Diognetus, Epistle to ] Dionysius Areopasritfous ' Hennas, Shepherd of Religious Orders ppolytua. The Canons itation of Christ, The John of Jer Augustlnian Hermits Dominican a Scpulchre, Canons RegU' Tiegulnes Fratacclli lar of the Holy Benedictines Orandmontinea Sorvites Bethlehemitea Ilierony miles Silvestrines Bollandiets Humlliati Templara BridKebuilding Brother- Tertiarlea hood

Teutonic Ord-!r, The Bridglttlnoa Trappists Brothers of Common Trinitarians Life Lazarus, St, Order of Capuchins Mechitharista Biographies (see also § Saints) Abbon of Fleury Athelm Clement of Alexandria Abel, Thomas Athenagoras Clichtove, Josse van Aoeolti, Pietra Adalbert Badby, John Colet, John Adam Scotua Coneete, Thomas Ado JEIreil Balsham, Hugh do Conrad of Marburg Aetiua (the " Atheist ") Bar-salibl, Jucob or Cyril (apostle of ths Ailty, Pierre d' Basil the Great Cyril of Alexandria Alain de Lille Basilides Cyril of Jerusalem Alcock, John Damlanl, Pletro Aleman, Louis Benedict of Aiignan Didyinus Alger of Liege Benedict Biseop Amalricof Bena Bcnno (of Meissen* Durand, Guillatune (a. Ambrose, Autpert Berengarhis -1290) Ambrose the Carnal- Bertold von Regens Durand, Guillaume (d. Bilney, Thomas ) Andrada, Diego dePaiva Blois, Louis de Ellas of Cortona de Bonner, Edmund Kunomius Anaelm of Laon Bradwardine, Thorn Aphraatea Musebius (bp. of Rome) Eusebius (ofCaesarca) Apollinaris the Younger CampesKio, Lorena Cano, Mclchior Csnistrano, Giovan Id! Euacbius (of Niconiodiat Arias Montano, Benito (Jarneaceehi, Pietra Enstatlima (of Antioch) CarpocraWs Eutyehea Arao bins' the Elder Carranza. Bartolom e Awobius the Younger Felix of Urgella Arnold of Brescia Cassiauus, Joannes Ere- Ferrar, Robert Arsenius Finuicua, Matermu Arundel, Thomas Celsus Julius Asterius (e. 30 0) Flavian I. {of Antloohl Asteiiua (e. 400] Chicheley, Henry Flavian 11. (of Autlook