Page:EO 14023 Commission Final Report.pdf/258

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Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States

Public Comments Received by the Commission

The Commission established a public comment policy that set parameters for the publication of comments received on Public comments that met this policy were published on (Docket: PCSCOTUS) and can be reviewed there. The published comments expressed a broad array of opinions on the Commission’s work, its draft discussion materials, reform proposals in the public debate, and other related topics.

Comments received by the Commission that did not meet the posted public comment policy were not published. The bulk of unpublished comments fell into two categories: duplicate submissions included in several mass mailing campaigns targeted at the Commission and submissions on topics not within the Commission charge/not relevant.

The table below provides an overview of the public comments received in association with a given public meeting. Deadlines were set out in each public meeting notice as a cut-off for comments prior to each public meeting. The table below is complete up to and including comments received for the 12/7 public meeting (cut-off 12/3). Comments received after this date could not be included in the report due to printing timelines.

Number of comments received by status of publication and public meeting date:[3]

5/19/21 6/30/21 7/20/21 10/15/21 11/19/21 12/7/21 Total
Comments published
46 221 163 3,556 186 1,118 5,290
Comments not
published due to
violations of policy
58 2,054 429 367 502 50 3,460
Total comments
104 2,275 592 3,923 688 1,168 8,750
252 | December 2021