Page:EO 14023 Commission Final Report.pdf/39

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Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States

because the public rarely has a united position on controversial constitutional issues); Richard H. Pildes, Is the Supreme Court a “Majoritarian” Institution?, 2010 Sup. Ct. Rev. 103 (2010).

  1.   See, e.g., Jeff Greenfield, The Justice Who Built the Trump Court, Politico Mag. (July 9, 2018), (noting how Justice Souter, a Republican appointee, “began to drift left” soon after his Court tenure began, ultimately becoming a “more reliable champion of liberal causes than Clinton appointees Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer”); Harold J. Spaeth, Lee Epstein, Andrew D. Martin, Jeffrey A. Segal, Theodore J. Ruger & Sara C. Benesh, 2020 Supreme Court Database, Version 2021 Release 01, (tracking the leftward drift of numerous Republican-appointed Justices).

December 2021 | 33