Page:Earl Canning.djvu/12

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Chap. I. The Argument 7-19
II. Biographical 20-47
III. The India which Lord Canning found 48-67
IV. The Native Army 68-80
V. Mutiny 81-113
VI. Conquest 114-143
VII. Lord Canning's Assailants 144-165
VIII. Pacification 166-185
IX. Reconstruction 186-197
X. Finance 198-208
XI. Last Days 209-215
  Index 217-220


The orthography of proper names follows the system adopted by the Indian Government for the Imperial Gazetteer of India. That system, while adhering to the popular spelling of very well-known places, such as Punjab, Lucknow, &c., employs in all other cases the vowels with the following uniform sounds:—

a, as in woman: á, in father: i, as in police: í, as in intrigue: o, as in cold: u, as in bull: ú, as in sure: e, as in grey.