Page:Earl Canning.djvu/221

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of faction fight which raged so high and shrill. We look at the men, at the events of that time, through a calmer atmosphere and with steadier eyes. We can read their meaning and gauge their worth. We think of them with reverence, with gratitude, with just and patriotic pride. Their names are familiar words to us, and will be, it may be hoped, to generations of Englishmen yet unborn. Their greatness is our own — a precious national possession. Amid much in modern life that is vulgar, ignoble, and commonplace, the achievements of our countrymen in the Mutiny shine out distinct. They were on an heroic scale; nor least heroic the serene and resolute mood, the unshaken nerve, the firm justice, the loftiness of soul, with which Canning, rising nobly to the duties of a foremost post in an eventful epoch, piloted his country's fortunes in that dark hour across that tempest-driven sea.