Page:Early Essays by George Eliot (1919).djvu/61

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Evans, advertised to appear in Chapman's Quarterly Series: not published.

1854 Translation of Feuerbach's "Essence of Christianity" published; her own name (Marian Evans) now used for the first and only time on a title page.
To Weimar and Berlin with G. H. Lewes; writing and reading, visiting, theatre-going and opera-going.
Translating Spinoza.

1855 Returning from Germany, settled with Lewes at East Sheen, and later at 8 Park Street, Richmond.
Article on Weimar for Fraser's Magazine; articles for the Leader; article on Cumming for the Westminster Review.

1856 Articles for the Saturday Review, then just started; reviewed Meredith's "Shaving of Shagpat."
To Ilfracombe and Tenby.
Began to write fiction, and in six weeks finished "Amos Barton" for Blackwood's Magazine, who paid 50 guineas for the story.
"Mr. Gilfil's Love Story" begun on Christmas Day.
Reviewed Griswold's "American Poets."

Articles for the Leader and the Westminster Review.