Page:Early History of Medicine in Philadelphia - George W Norris.djvu/60

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The Early History of Medicine in Philadelphia.

London, as agent for the Province of Pennsylvania, introduced him to many prominent men, and gave him the best opportunities for improving himself under the celebrated medical teachers of that city. While there, he devoted himself in an especial manner to the lectures and dissections of Dr. William Hunter.

In November, 1761, he removed to Edinburgh, with the view of graduating at the school at that place. A copy of a letter of introduction which he carried from Franklin to Lord Kames has been preserved, which I am induced here to insert, as marking the esteem and affection in which he was held by that eminent philosopher, who had already discovered in him those germs of promise which time and opportunity developed.

"May I take the freedom," says Dr. F., "of recommending the bearer, Mr. Morgan, to your Lordship's protection? He proposes residing some time in Edinburgh, to improve himself in the study of physic, and I think will one day make a good figure in the profession, and be of some credit to the school he studies in, if great industry and application, joined with natural genius and sagacity, afford any foundation for the presage. He is the son of a friend and near neighbour of mine
