water-rats; while among the smaller animals were the common shrew, the musk shrew (now inhabiting the banks of the Volga), and the common mole. Had he entered these forests in the autumn, he would have seen the wild boars eagerly seeking for acorns as they fell from the trees, and overhead squirrels feasting on the cones of the Scotch fir.
These living and extinct species formed the advanced guard of the Asiatic invasion of Europe at the close of the Pleiocene age, as described in the last chapter, which was probably due to the lowering of the temperature, by which animals hitherto living in Asia were driven to the south and west by the increasing cold in the northern regions. Their arrival marks the first phase of the Pleistocene age in Britain. They belong to the following species:—
Survivals from Pleiocene, Living Species.
Survivals from Pleiocene, Extinct Species.
Bear of Auvergne
Sabre-toothed lion
Deer of Polignac
Sedgwick's deer
Etruskan rhinoceros
Big-nosed rhinoceros
Southern elephant
Cervus dicranios =G. sedgwickii.
New Comers, Living Species.
Musk shrew
Common shrew
Water vole
Red field vole