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Where e’er we in th’ Almighty’s Name repair,
Omnipotence hath promis’d to be there,
Our Prayers (by which all-pitty’ng Heav’n we move,
To grant us His ineſtimable Love,
When with true Zeal our Pious Souls are warm’d)
Makes the Place Holy, whereſoe’er perform’d.


Thou know’ſt I’m founded on a fateleſs Rock,
Freed from the danger of an Envious ſhock:
Scripture’s my Baſs, Immovable I ſtand,
Guarded by Lawful Pow’r, on ev’ry hand.

Eſtabliſh’d by a National Conſent,
Preach Faith, and Charity, do ills prevent;
And for the Truths I Teach, am made Predominant.

Stedfaſt and Pure, from Innovations free,
Preſerv’d intire from Mutabillity;
Safe from your Pride, and Envy, Arm’d with Law,
To humble ſtiff Preciſians, who with draw

From my Communion, Conſcious to agree
With Heads uncover’d, or a bended Knee,
And think a Bow a rank Idolitry.

Religion, like a Prince, tho’ ne’er ſo Pure,
By Pow’r to Puniſh, muſt be made ſecure,
Or elſe your Saints, to Reformation given,
Would quickly cut Ten Thouſand Paths to Heaven.
