Unearned increment, 79.
Unemployment Council, 90.
Unemployment: insurance, 9; care of unemployed, 25, 31, 50-55, 88-90; in Switzerland, 51-52; in Belgium, 51; compulsory savings to support, 51; Norwegian Act, 53; cost of helping unemployed, 99.
Unemployment Insurance Fund (Berne), 52.
Unemployment societies, object of, 53; government support of, 54; increase in membership of, 54; statistics for 1916-1918, 82, 90-91.
'Village community', 6.
Villeinage, 4.
Wages, rise of, 18, 19; average daily wage in Copenhagen, 21-22; of farm labourer, 65-66; rise in wages of farm labourer, 77-78; advance in, caused by World War, 93; sliding scale of, 93-94.
Wheat, 68; decline in importation of, 81; state appropriation of, 84, 85.
Widows, care of, 48.
Women, position of, 2; changed attitude toward, 60.
Working hours, 21.
Workmen's Commission (1875), 28-30.
Workmen's compensation, 30.
Workmen's Insurance Council, 38, 39, 41.
World War, 1, 2; rise in cost of old-age pension during, 45-46; economic changes caused by, 80; effect of, on food situation, 81; legislation caused by the war, 82-88.