Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/143

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fusing with the Uraniad a woman of strong physique and of manly intellectuality, but who is sexually quite normal. In fact, within a few decades, the strong-minded and strong-bodied woman has gained such social emancipations that she is a confusing product for the psychiater.

Classes of
Uraniads. Geo-
graphical Distri-

The Uraniad differs in her similisexualism from the Uranian in other traits. She is less likely to revert to normal sexual passion, and her interest in aesthetic masculine externals is less. The Uranian as we have seen, is frequently bisexual in impulses; now heterosexual and now similisexual. The Uraniad temperament tends to strict exclusion of the male. When accepting him, she is likely to be attracted to rather a weaker, less vibrant even effeminate sort of man, who frequently lives in complete subordination as her husband or lover. There is a marked proportion of the Uraniad sex in the Philarrenic Zone, following the general topographic distribution of the Uranian. But the Uraniad is not so diffused as a distinctive type in the North-West of Europe. Apparently, too, she is not so numerous in North America; she comes less often under direct psychiatric study in Anglo-Saxon civilizations. In France, Italy, Germany and Russia, she is common, with a tendency to be more numerous in less aristocratic life. In Spain and Portugal the Uraniad sex is in considerable proportion, by imperfect statistics, as she is in all the Latin South America. In the East the proportion is large, by all accounts.

Classic, Biblical
and Historic

Feminine "contrary sexualism" is as natural a tendency as male homosexuality. It is ever lurking in barbaric races. The Mosaic Code does not speak of it, though that code has particular injunctions against a woman's committing bestiality. One can infer that female similisexuality was among "all those things" which Jehovah declares as common among

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