Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/148

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in her family except that one uncle was mixed-up, directly or indirectly, in a blackmailing affair in Paris, many years ago, which matter Miss A— now indicates as of a pederastic sort. Miss A— was however often told by her mother that before she was born the mother "had prayed and hoped from morning till night that she would have a boy"; as two girls had already been born. Both these sisters died in infancy. The parents still live. Miss A— was a quick-minded child. She has had excellent educational advantages, of which she has made the most. Was a good scholar, except as to mathematics and chemistry, developed early fine musical gifts, took special courses and prizes. As a little girl, was highly sensitive to female beauty, and cared little or nothing about a boy's looks, or a man's. Remembers strong sexual feelings as to theatrical posters giving portraits of a beautiful actress. When about nine, she stole the picture of a lady, personally unknown to her, from a photographer's shop, and slept with it "on her bosom often", with indistinct sexual feelings for it. At dances, and so on among young people, she felt either indifference or repugnance to dancing with a youth, to being kissed by him, etc; while to dance with a girl, and to be embraced by one whom she admired gave her pleasure, "making her quiver all over with delight". Her dreams of embracing other girls were frequent. She had many strong sentimental attachments, and was often morbidly jealous, as to her own sex. Between 12 and 13 her sexual maturity was emphatic. She used to masturbate with either an "ideal" female image in mind, or looking at the portrait of one special friend, her senior. Her emotions now centered on women older than herself, At seventeen, she began a regular sexual relation with a schoolmate, who was like herself. (Masturb. mut.) Another affair came about this date, as the preceding one cooled, and the former friend, then about eighteen, fell in love with the son of a neighbour. The second relation lasted about a year and a half, when the young woman

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