Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/17

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notices, etc. to one German specialists publication on homosexualism, viz. contributions to the large annual volume entitled "Jahrbuch des Sexuelle Zwischenstufen" issued at Leipzig under Dr. Hirschfeld's editing, with a large staff of authoritative contributors. This noted specialistic review, now in its ninth or tenth year of appearance, is invaluable to students, medical or not at all so, of the homosexual problem, its theoretics or practicalities.

I desire to point out one element of the book not likely to be any more unacceptable to some readers than to myself; but which I hope will not much injure its general interest or usefulness. The book was prepared several years ago. Circumstances have withheld it from publication till now. Many of the "instances", episodes and so on, cited as illustrations of the similisexual instinct and its world, were taken from publications new at the time when the manuscript was completing: or were then relatively new. The delay in printing this book has made them seem more or less staled, compared with the constantly increasing mass of new data, of the same illustrative kind. Numerous such new "instances", references, studies, citations, etc. cannot have place here at all. There are many such groups, recent, pertinent and highly interesting, not represented here; to my great regret. But that is a dilemma to which any such work is subject by delay in going to press. To substitute now the new matters, recenter data, as I would so gladly do, would oblige practically re-adjusting and even rewriting, expanding etc., several sections of the book, passim. Neither health, time, facilities nor a milieu for such a labour are now at my service. I most seriously have considered such a partial revision. A very few observations only have been inserted, a few instances instead of the many I would like to add. Every few months present much matter, fresh, interesting and significant to a survey like the present one. But as, after all, the data already here are of as permanent authority and illustrative value as could be

xi. —