Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/266

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this forest-intermezzo, Catalina de Erauso had disappeared; she was the page "Francisco Loyola". She was daring enough to go at once toward San-Sebastian, and to take a place as servant in the family of a citizen of distinction. Unrecognized as to indentity or sex, Catalina remained in this post, till one day her father came to make a visit to her master, with the particular object of talking over the long-discussed disappearance of his daughter. She was not recognized when she met her parent in the hallway. But no sooner was he closeted with his host, than Catalina though it prudent to disappear from the house and San-Sebastian; first taking a handsome sum of money (not hers) as provision for the way. She became a cabin-boy on a large gallion, owned by an uncle, Captain Estevan Eguino, who had scarcely ever seen her, and so did not recognize her as a relative or a girl. He became extremely fond of Catalina—or "Francisco"—and made her his personal servant. Catalina remained with him as such, till she grew tired of him. Therewith she decamped without warning; again with a considerable forced-loan, from her affectionate kinsman and master. She took ship for South-America and arrived in Panama, The rest of her life was mostly to be passed in the Western World. By this time Catalina was a fine, manly personage indeed, in every external. She was servant, house-porter and other things, for different masters. She was much liked, though continually fighting with fellow-employés. She was the object of several love-affairs, and of marriage-proposals which she declined. She continued to conceal her sex. After a while she went to Lima. In the city of Concepcion, Catalina had a brother, engaged as a secretary to the Governor. Here begins a queerly romantic part of Catalina's career. The brother did not know her. Apparently homosexual, he quite speedily fell in love with the good-looking "boy"—whom he met at some entertainment. He.made the "boy" his companion. Catalina, undoubtedly was physically feminosexual to some

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