Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/290

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Relatively a young man, though already advanced in dignity, Bishop Jocelyn was also an inborn uranian. After having had several homosexual relationships without detection, Jocelyn fell in love with a strikingly handsome young soldier, in the Life-Guards, stationed in the diocese, a trooper named John Moverly, who was also uranistic. The Bishop was handsome, genial, and a man of the world, though he filled his religious station becomingly. In 1822 the intimacy came to light. A great scandal ensued. Bishop Jocelyn fled to the Continent, and escaped punishment. The unlucky young Moverly was condemned to a long term of imprisonment. In fact his life was technically in danger, owing to the penalty then statutory in Ireland.


Pagan Religions
and Intersexual-

The topic of intersexualism as a part of ancient or modern paganism and mythologies, is one of much material in detail, as may be supposed; which wide subject the writer is obliged at this time to pass over with only a reference, on account of changes in the plan of this work. A large proportion of antique religions, ecclesiastical societies, priesthoods, temple-confraternities, ceremonies and fêtes, more or less integrally have had to do with male-to-male, or with female-to-female sexualism, symbols and licenses of intercourse. Forms of worship among the Assyrians, the Phænicians, in several Asiatic, African, Oceanian, American cults have accepted such an element. The deification of Antinöus was developed—appropriately—toward pederastic practices, as part of the ritual. Buddhism in Japan and China has admitted homosexualism along with its covert phallic symbolism; and not until 1838 did the Japanese Government put a stop to the astonishing licenses of phallic and homosexualfeminosexual orgies, that used to take place at the temples of U-ji and Saidai-ji. Lamaism in Thibet has occult uranian-

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