Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/429

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physically from the normal man by merely the less obvious details of structure; or by none. It is in his temperamental, in his mental and moral making-up that we remark vicious divergences. By the Intersexual Theory, much that is called degeneracy is divergence from relatively a few male sexual attributes only.

The examples of Uranianism joined to such decadence are varied, just as are instances of Uranianism when conjoined with fine moral and intellectual fibre. We can pass from the Uranian who exhibits merely a refined weakness of character, or a 'secondary' physique, to the Uranian that is a prostitute, blackmailer, thief, child-ravisher, murderer; or perhaps a type physically deficient, plainly abnormal and even monstrous.

Degeneracy Often
Less Noticeable
than Intellectual;
or Other Sorts.

This degeneracy of the Uranian often appears only intellectually. It is true that disgracefully debased, degenerate Uranians are frequently simply shrewd. The applied intellectualism of such types is usually not remarkable. On the other hand, a vast number of quite homosexual men, Uranians of widely diverse social educations, show little loss of moral sensibilities. In social, life and in family and business relations they are not ethical "degenerates"; while details of mental shortcoming may be noted. Again, wholesomeness or unwholesomeness of the soil from which the human plant springs, youthful environments, later associations, all share in the growth or the checking of real degeneracy in the homosexual world, just as they affect so much else in humanity.

Two Special

Two types of Uranians we constantly find morally and intellectually deficient. First, the non-mercenary but passive sodomist in general, without regard to his class or to his social station. Second, the Uranian prostitute, who is professionally quite

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