Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/653

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home, to one pleasant, "settled" circle of friends, rather than to even a brilliant but wandering social life? Or is any one pleasant place and circle "about the same" to you?

Are you orderly or disorderly, by inclination and habits, in your way of daily life, your dress, work, hours, and so on?

Do you incline to wealth for the sake of luxury?—or are you temperamentally satisfied with comfort in a simpler way?

Is your mind more receptive than productive? Or the other type?

Do you think your present mature abilities are more for the abstract or for the concrete? For the useful or for the ornamental in life?

Are you now naturally better at mathematical processes, science, and at things worked out by close formulas? Or are they all difficult for you?

Is your memory nowadays good? Your application? Are you good at reaching conclusions in philosophic planes?

Would you say that you are instinctively logical? Or rather jump at conclusions, incline to them by impulse and wish?—so that often you fly in the face of logic?

Have you strong tastes for the arts? Is a special one preferred? Practised? If so, which one?

Which art now really affects you most?

Are you strongly affected by music? If so by what sort? Do you prefer operatic or more abstract music (as symphonic, sonata, chamber-music)? Are you peculiarly fond of Wagner? Do you particularly like modern Russian music?—Hungarian? Who are your favorite composers? Does music ever seem to you to have a really "mysterious" message to you—nervously, spiritually, emotionally, or otherwise?

Do you discover that music has a sexual effect on you during or after hearing it?

Do you most admire landscapes or figures in painting, etc.? If the latter, do you feel most interested in male or female subjects—especially if they are nudes?

Have you much taste toward sculpture? If so, do you prefer male or female subjects, especially if nude? Does Greek sculpture of the male or female nude especially appeal to you?

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