Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/656

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Some Physical Considerations of Uranianism and Uraniadism.

As noted earlier, the preceding general study is not intended to go deeply into many psychologic aspects, even less into distinctively physiological aspects of similisexualism. For such data the reader is referred to many medical, legal or other sorts of works. Such matters are somewhat superfluous for casual lay-study. But a few elementary points, that mark similisexual intercourse and its instincts may usefully be clarified here. The ignorance of many men and women as to especially the physical pratique of Uranianism is almost ludicrous.

The similisexual act, coition between masculine types, Uranian or Dionian-Uranian, is not necessarily what is technically called "sodomy," i. e. anal coitus, any more than is such what we have seen pointed out in our volume as pederastic. Nor do a majority of Uranians incline to womanish mankind, or wish to have sexual satisfactions with very unripe youths, children, with distinctly degenerate physical types, etc. Even desire for eccentric acts is not universal. Such tastes are not often met in the finer similisexuals. The mere bodily embrace betwen the Uranian and the male type for whom he feels passion,—often the embrace not even nude—is frequently sufficient to produce the full measure of sexual pleasure and orgasm. The high nervous organization of the Uranian is here at its tensest. There is often horror for anal coitus, for buccal onanism, etc. Mutual masturbation is frequently all that the Uranian ever accepts or desires. Or his passion, wholly idealized, does not seek a physical contact with that human being beloved with all his soul; turns in a troubled aversion from such bodily rapport, as from a desecration.

Again, similisexual intercourse between. mature Uranians, or Uranian-Dionians, usually is physically beneficial to them. This has always been the classic and the oriental theory. It is d stimulant and sedative to the Uranian body and mind, not a weakening or mischievous process. But intercourse with women often has an evil effect on the Uranian, in proportion to his being completely Uranian; not tinctured with Dionism. In youth, in delicate health, similisexual intercourse naturally can be harmful, just as to youth is normal sexualism. It weakens the young generative physique more or less seriously if indulged in to any excess, and creates neurasthenia, and organic disorders. But this excess depends on the individual constitution of a boy much more than is often thought. A lad need not suffer material harm from sexual practices with

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