Briefly, the foregoing is a summary of events that almost precipitated the Great War. It would be difficult to maintain that the Republic acted in a manner more pacific than any of the Monarchical States involved in the quarrel. Clearly, the peace of the world would not be preserved more easily if kings were dethroned, and there remained in the control of republics those who rule them now.
Numbers of people are of opinion that Militarism, or the militarist spirit, is the cause of wars. In the controversies of the day, Militarism comprises every social movement that endows the State with positive power to determine the acts of individuals. Militarism extols war as an instrument of culture and liberation; its ethics are the doctrine that Force establishes the Right to Govern. Militarists contend that success in war proves a nation to be endowed with a divine mission to impose its will on other nations. In practice, Militarism depends, upon the State conscription of all men for military service, the propagation of discipline by the limitation of personal liberty, and the promotion of uniformity among citizens. Socialism is the antithesis of Militarism. Socialism does not depend on compulsion of the positive order. Working towards the Socialist outcome of capitalist society, the Labour movement says to the owner of capital, You shall not use capital for the exploitation of your fellow men, unless the rights of workmen are recognised. Ultimately, the community will assume ownership of the means of production. Meanwhile, the Labour movement strives to raise the social standard of the working class. It demands rights of association and the observance of rules affecting the health of workers, as conditions to be observed before industrial capital can operate. But it does not say how capital shall be employed. Neither does Socialism or the Labour movement stipulate that this workman shall be an engineer, or another workman a gardener. No compulsion of that kind is required in the Socialist Commonwealth. On the other hand, the Militarist State compels all men to be soldiers. The Militarist State denies the right of its citizens to hold opinions on the efficacy or righteousness of any war. The Militarist State claims the minds and bodies of all its subjects. Against that tyranny working class Socialisin maintains an unceasing struggle.
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