Page:Eekhoud - The New Carthage.djvu/203

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and scorn! When they reached the factory he got out first and offered her his hand. She stepped out without taking his proffered assistance, and said, for the sake of politeness:

"Won't you come in?"

"You know that your father has sworn never to receive me …"

"True. I almost forgot that … However, I owe you my thanks, don't I?… Monsieur Béjard has some chivalrous enemies …"

"I beg you, cousin, don't scoff at me! If you only knew how unjust your sarcasms are! Instead, believe in my unalterable devotion and my profound … admiration for you."

"You talk like the end of a letter," she answered with a faint air of having taken up her old bantering manner. But it lacked sincerity and good humor. "Very well … again, thank you …" And she vanished into the house.