Page:Egyptian Literature (1901).djvu/174

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Egyptian Tales

the ka of his wife Ahura; for though she was buried at Koptos, her ka dwelt at Memphis with her husband, whom she loved. And Setna saw them seated before their offerings, and the book lay between them. And Na.nefer.ka.ptah said to Setna, “Who are you that break into my tomb in this way?” He said, “I am Setna, son of the great King User.maat.ra, living forever, and I come for that book which I see between you.” And Na.nefer.ka.ptah said, “It cannot be given to you.” Then said Setna, “But I will carry it away by force.”

Then Ahura said to Setna, “Do not take this book; for it will bring trouble on you, as it has upon us. Listen to what we have suffered for it.”


“We were the two children of the King Mer.neb.ptah, and he loved us very much, for he had no others; and Na.nefer.ka.ptah was in his palace as heir over all the land. And when we were grown, the King said to the Queen, ‘I will marry Na.nefer.ka.ptah to the daughter of a general, and Ahura to the son of another general.’ And the Queen said, ‘No; he is the heir, let him marry his sister, like the heir of a king; none other is fit for him.’ And the King said, ‘That is not fair; they had better be married to the children of the general.’

“And the Queen said, ‘It is you who are not dealing rightly with me.’ And the King answered, ‘If I have no more than these two children, is it right that they should marry one another? I will marry Na.nefer.ka.ptah to the daughter of an officer, and Ahura to the son of another officer. It has often been done so in our family.’

“And at a time when there was a great feast before the King, they came to fetch me to the feast. And I was very troubled, and did not behave as I used to do. And the King said to me, ‘Ahura, have you sent someone to me about this sorry matter, saying, “Let me be married to my elder brother“?‘ I said to him, ‘Well, let me marry the son of an officer, and he marry the daughter of another officer, as it often happens so in our family.’ I laughed, and the King laughed. And the King told the steward of the palace,‘ Let them take Ahura to the house of Na.nefer.ka.ptah to-night, and all kinds