Page:Egyptian Literature (1901).djvu/188

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And his Majesty said, “Thou, thyself, Hordedef, my son, bring him to me.” Then were the ships made ready for the King’s son Hordedef, and he went up the stream to Dedsneferu. And when the ships had moored at the haven, he landed, and sat him in a litter of ebony, the poles of which were of cedar wood overlaid with gold. Now when he drew near to Dedi, they set down the litter. And he arose to greet Dedi, and found him lying on a palmstick couch at the door of his house; one servant held his head and rubbed him, and another rubbed his feet.

And the King’s son Hordedef said, “Thy state is that of one who lives to good old age; for old age is the end of our voyage, the time of embalming, the time of burial. Lie, then, in the sun, free of infirmities, without the babble of dotage: this is the salutation to worthy age. I come from far to call thee, with a message from my father Khufu, the blessed, for thou shalt eat of the best which the King gives, and of the food which those have who follow after him; that he may bring thee in good estate to thy fathers who are in the tomb.”

And Dedi replied to him: “Peace to thee! Peace to thee! Hordedef, son of the King, beloved of his father. May thy father Khufu, the blessed, praise thee, may he advance thee among the elders, may thy ka prevail against the enemy, may thy soul know the right road to the gate of him who clothes the afflicted; this is the salutation to the King’s son.” Then the King’s son, Hordedef, stretched forth his hands to him, and raised him up, and went with him to the haven, giving unto him his arm. Then said Dedi, “Let there be given me a boat, to bring me my youths and my books.” And they made ready for him two boats with their rowers. And Dedi went down the river in the barge in which was the King’s son, Hordedef. And when he had reached the palace, the King’s son, Hordedef, entered in to give account unto his Majesty the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Khufu, the blessed. Then said the King’s son Hordedef, “O King, life, wealth, and health! My lord, I have brought Dedi.” His Majesty replied, “Bring him to me speedily.” And his Majesty went into the hall of columns of Pharaoh (life, wealth, and health), and Dedi was led before him. And his Majesty said, “Where-