cattle, and with my red feathered fowl, and with my oxen, and with my geese, and with my ducks, for Horus my Chieftain, and with the offerings which I make to Thoth, and with the sacrifices which I offer up to An-heri-ertaitsa.”
[From the Papyrus of Mes-em-neter (Naville, op. cit., Bd. I. Bl. 82).]
Another Chapter.
“I have sacrificed unto An-heri-ertaitsa, and I am decreed to be strengthened in heart, for I have made offerings at the altars of my divine father Osiris; I rule in Tattu and I lift myself up over his land. I sniff the wind of the east by its hair; I lay hold upon the north wind by its hair, I seize and hold fast to the west wind by its body, and I go round about heaven on its four sides; I lay hold upon the south wind by its eye, and I bestow air upon the venerable beings [who are in the underworld] along with the eating of cakes.”
if this composition be known [by the deceased] upon earth he shall come forth by day, and he shall have the faculty of travelling about among the living, and his name shall never perish.
[From the Papyrus of Nebseni (British Museum No. 9,900, sheet 16).]
The Chapter of coming forth by day. The libationer, the lord of reverence, Nebseni, saith: “Hail, thou hawk who risest in heaven, thou lord of the goddess Meh-urt! Strengthen thou me according as thou hast strengthened thyself, and show thyself upon the earth, O thou that returnest and withdrawest thyself, and let thy will be done.”
“Behold the god of One Face is with me. [I am] the hawk which is within the shrine; and I open that which is upon the hangings thereof. Behold Horus, the son of Isis.”
“[Behold] Horus the son of Isis! Strengthen thou me, according as thou hast strengthened thyself, and show thyself