Page:Egyptian Myth and Legend (1913).djvu/426

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(Fresco from tomb at Thebes, XVIII Dynasty, about B.C. 1580–1350;
now in British Museum)

In the upper register the seated scribe is preparing to make a list of the geese, which are being marshalled before him. Below we see a group of goose herds with their flock, who are making obeisance before him, whilst one of their number places the birds in baskets. The scribe has risen and is engaged in unrolling a new papyrus, whereon to inscribe his list. The horizontal line of hieroglyphics above the geese contains an exhortation of one goose herd to another to "make haste", so that he may bring his flock before the scribe. In front of the scribe is a red leather sack, or bag, in which he kept his clothes, &c., and round it is rolled the mat on which he sat.