Page:Egyptian Myth and Legend (1913).djvu/513

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Marked vowels—ä, as in palm; ā, as in late; ē, as in he; ė, as in her; ī, as in sigh; ō, as in note; ū, as ew in new; ȳ, as in dye.

  • Aalu (a-ä'loo), field of, 10.
  • Aasith (a-ä'sith), 312.
  • Äb, the will and desires, 87.
  • Ab-meri-rä, 186.
  • Abraham, 227, 272.
  • Abusir (ab-oo-sēr'), sun temple at, 163; tombs of, 172.
  • Abȳdos, early tombsof, xliii, 36; crowded cemetery of, 192, 196; Bes oracle at, 312.
  • Accādians as moon worshippers, xxxv n.
  • Achæans (a-kē'ans) and swineherds, 66; as raiders, 348.
  • Adon, xlv; Aton as, 331, 333.
  • Adonis (a-dō'nis), 311.
  • Africa, lunar worship in Central, xxxvi.
  • African deities, xxxiv.
  • Agriculture, and flood, 25; Dynastic Egyptians and, 36; and trade, 112, 113; Chief Treasurer and, 223.
  • Ah (or a-äh), moon god, xxvii, xxviii, xxix; as “moon of Thoth”, 11, 14 n; Theban family worshippers of, 280, 281; Amon and, 282, 283; Astarte and, 310.
  • Ahä, King, 42, 83.
  • Ahaz (ā'haz), sundial of, 358 n.
  • Ah-hotep, Queen, 276, 278, 280.
  • Ah'mes of Ebana, 286; of El Kab, 277, 286, or Ah'mosè.
  • Ah'mes I, 273, 276; expels Hyksos, 277, 278; lunar name of, 280, 283; Syrian stone workers of, 284; not revered like son, 285.
  • Ah'mes II (Amasis), 373, 374-7.
  • Ahura (a-hoo'ra) the dragon slayer, 341, 342.
  • Ai (eye), 337.
  • Air of life, 188, 189, 200, 308; Aton and the, 332; Amon-ra and the, 332 n., 333.
  • Aker (ä'ker), earth lion, 75, 155 n., 168, 197.
  • Akhaivasha (a-kha-i-vä'sha), 348.
  • Akhenaton (a-khen-ä'ton), 199, 267; Aryan strain in, 318, 324; like Shelley, 325, 326; wars against Amon, 327; new capital of, 328; his message, 329, 330; hymn of, 331; Aton worship of, 332, 333, 334; his idea of after-life, 335; art under, 336, 337, 343.
  • Alexander the Great, xx, xxiii, 377.
  • Alexandria, Serapis god of, 368, 377, 378.
  • Alphabet, origin of, 41.
  • Alpine race, xlv, 32, 79, 80, 81, 257, 258, 260; lore of, in Cilicia and Scotland, 342, 348.
  • Amasis (a-mā'sis), 373-7.
  • Amen. See Amon.
  • Amenemhet I (a-men'em-het), 196; gods honoured by, 203; selects heir, 204; in Senuhet story, 207 et seq.; “Amon leads”, 221; the prophet and, 222, 223; Hittites in reign of, 227, 265; “Instruction” of, 204, 205, 218-20, 223.
  • Amenemhet II, 226, 239.