Page:Eight Friends of the Great - WP Courtney.djvu/17

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Mr. Gladstone and the congé d'élire — the bishop's family and Devonshire — His praise of Exeter — Rundle at Oxford — his character — Rundle and Whiston — A "cheese-cake" entertainment —Rundle's preferments — Speaker Onslow — Bishop Talbot— Rundle's friendship with Jemmy Thomson — Rundle's dinners — Rundle and the see of Gloucester — clerical opposition— His "splendid banishment" — Rundle, Pope and Swift — His library — His ailments and death pp. 1—13

His descent and parentage — his connection with Hawstead, near Bury St. Edmunds — prosperous distiller at West Ham — Philip Metcalfe in social life — signs the "round robin" to Dr. Johnson on the Latin epitaph to Goldsmith — at Brighton and in Sussex with Johnson — Johnson's dying gift to him — Metcalfe as trustee for Johnson's servant — as treasurer of the fund for the proposed monument of Johnson — Metcalfe's visit with Reynolds to the art galleries of the Low-countries — proposed dedication to him by Reynolds of the contemplated volume on this tour — Metcalfe as executor with Burke and Malone to Reynolds's will — their letter in French to the empress of Russia — the sale of Reynolds's pictures — the funeral of Reynolds — Metcalfe and the Dilettanti Society — Metcalfe in parliament — Metcalfe abroad — visits of Malone and others to him at Brighton — Metcalfe and Jeremy Bentham — Metcalfe and the refugee French clergy — his almshouses at Hawstead — his death, burial, and vast fortune pp. 14—34

His character and parentage — his father's works — his education at St. Paul's school and Trinity college, Cambridge — Warner as vicar of West Ham — his translation of a Spanish romance — his sermons as a