Page:Eight Friends of the Great - WP Courtney.djvu/205

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Abington, Frances , Mrs. . PAGE

Adair, Sir Robert.

Akerman, Mr.

Albemarle, George Thomas, th earl of . , ,


Allen, William

  1. .

Arnall, William .

Astley, Jemima .

Athenaum, the

Bacon, John (sculptor) . 19-21, , 53 Bain, Dr 96 Bakewell (Derbyshire) . . 134 Bankes, W. J. 101 Banks, sir Joseph ... 20 Barber, Francis (Dr. John- son's servant) ... 19 Baretti, G. M. A. . . . 40 Barnard's Inn . . 45, 54-5 Basset family . 152-3, 168-9 Battoni, P. G. . . .28 Bell, Sir Charles . . . 144 Bensly, Robert ... 96 Benson, Martin, bishop . 9 Bentham, Jeremy . . 16,32 Berdmore family . . . 102 Berkeley, George, bishop . 6 Berry, Miss . 140-41, 151, 154,

Bessborough, William, 2nd earl of .... 50 Betty, W. H. W. (young Roscius) .... 87 Billington, Elizabeth, Mrs. . 96 ,, James ... 82 Birch, rev. Thomas, D.D. . 10 Bissons (distillers) . . 16 Blundeston (Suffolk) . . 48 Boase, Frederic . preface, p. v. >> G. C 90 Booth, Rev. R. S. . . .127 Boscawen, Frances, Mrs. . 150 Boswell, James . 20, 21, 24, 93, -9 Bott, Edward . . . 42-3 Bowles, John ... 93 Boydell, John, alderman . 96 Brander, Gustavus . . 42 Brighton 16-18, 31-33, 158, 182 Britton, John ... 91 Brougham, Henry, lord . 129 Brown, Thomas . 129, 144, 147 Brummell, George 104, 113, 180-

Bryant, Jacob . . . 61-3 Burdett, Sir Francis in, 114- 15 Burke, Edmund . 17, 19,20,24-8,

,, Mrs 21 Bury, lady Charlotte . 162-4, I 7° Butler, Charles ... 32 „ Joseph, bishop . . 3 Byron, George Gordon, 6th baron . 84-6, 100-114, 161, 166 Caledonian comet S7 Cambridge, King's college . 104,

,, Pembroke hall . 175 ,, St. John's col- lege . 173-5