Page:Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap. 554).pdf/12

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Ord. No. 10 of 2000

(ii) if the other person has been nominated as a candidate at the election, to withdraw the nomination; or
(iii) if the other person has been nominated as a candidate at the election, not to use the other person's best endeavours to promote the election of the other person; or
(b) offers an advantage to another person as a reward—
(i) for having stood, or not stood, as a candidate at the election; or
(ii) if the other person was nominated as a candidate at the election, for having withdrawn the nomination; or
(iii) if the other person was or has been nominated as a candidate at the election, for not having used the other person's best endeavours to promote the election of the other person; or
(c) offers an advantage to another person as an inducement for the other person to get, or try to get, a third person—
(i) to stand, or not to stand, as a candidate at the election; or
(ii) if the third person has been nominated as a candidate at the election, to withdraw the nomination; or
(ii) if the third person has been nominated as a candidate at the election, not to use the third person's best endeavours to promote the election of the third person; or
(d) offers an advantage to another person as a reward for having got, or having tried to get, a third person—
(i) to stand, or not to stand, as a candidate at the election; or
(ii) if the third person was nominated as a candidate at the election, to withdraw the nomination; or
(iii) if the third person was or has been nominated as a candidate at the election, not to use the third person's best endeavours to promote the election of the third person; or
(e) solicits or accepts an advantage as an inducement—
(i) to stand, or not to stand, as a candidate at the election; or
(ii) if the person has been nominated as a candidate at the election, to withdraw the nomination; or
(iii) if the person has been nominated as a candidate at the election, not to use the person's best endeavours to promote the election of the person; or
(f) solicits or accepts an advantage as a reward—
(i) for having stood, or not stood, as a candidate at the election; or
(ii) if the person was nominated as a candidate at the election, for having withdrawn the nomination; or