Page:Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap. 554).pdf/14

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Ord. No. 10 of 2000

8. Corrupt conduct to use or threaten to use force or duress against candidates or prospective candidates

(1) A person engages in corrupt conduct at an election if the person—

(a) uses force or duress, or threatens to use force or duress, against another person to induce the other person—
(i) to stand, or not to stand, as a candidate at the election; or
(ii) if the other person has been nominated as a candidate at the election, to withdraw the nomination; or
(b) uses force or duress, or threatens to use force or duress, against another person to induce the other person to get a third person—
(i) to stand, or not to stand, as a candidate at the election; or
(ii) if the third person has been nominated as a candidate at the election, to withdraw the nomination; or
(c) uses force or duress, or threatens to use force or duress, against another person because the other person or a third person—
(i) stood, or did not stand, as a candidate at the election; or
(ii) if the other person or the third person has been nominated as a candidate at the election, withdrew the nomination.

(2) A person is taken to have engaged in corrupt conduct of a kind referred to in subsection (1) even though the conduct was engaged in by another person, but only if the other person was acting with the person's authority. That authority may be conferred expressly or by implication.

9. Corrupt conduct to engage in certain deceptive behaviour relation to candidates and prospective candidates

(1) A person engages in corrupt conduct at an election if the person—

(a) by a deception, induces another person—
(i) to stand, or not to stand, as a candidate at the election; or
(ii) if the other person has been nominated as a candidate at the election, to withdraw the nomination; or
(b) by a deception, induces another person to get a third person—
(i) to stand, or not to stand, as a candidate at the election; or
(ii) if the third person has been nominated a candidate at the election, to withdraw the nomination.

(2) A person is taken to have engaged in corrupt conduct of a kind referred to in subsection (1) even though the conduct was engaged in by another person, but only if the other person was acting with the person's authority. That authority may be conferred expressly or by implication.