Page:Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap. 554).pdf/16

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Ord. No. 10 of 2000

(c) offers an advantage to another person as an inducement to get, or try to get, a third person not to vote at the election, or not to vote at the election for a particular candidate or particular candidates; or
(d) offers an advantage to another person as a reward for having got, or having tried to get, a third person not to vote at the election, or not to vote at the election for a particular candidate or particular candidates; or
(e) solicits or accepts an advantage as an inducement not to vote at the election, or not to vote at the election for a particular candidate or particular candidates; or
(f) solicits or accepts an advantage as a reward for not voting at the election, or for not voting at the election for a particular candidate or particular candidates, or
(g) solicits or accepts an advantage as an inducement to get, or try to get, another person not to vote at the election, or not to vote at the election for a particular candidate or particular candidates; or
(h) solicits or accepts an advantage as a reward for having got, or having tried to get another person not to vote at the election, or not to vote at the election for a particular candidate or particular candidates.

(3) For the purposes of this section—

(a) a person offers an advantage if the person confers, undertakes to confer or shows a willingness to confer, an advantage on another person; and
(b) a person solicits an advantage of the person asks for, or shows a willingness to receive, an advantage, either for the person's own benefit or for the benefit of another person; and
(c) a person accepts an advantage if the person receives or obtains an advantage, or agrees to receive or obtain an advantage, either for the person's own benefit or for the benefit of another person.

(4) For the purposes of this section, a person is taken to have offered an advantage even though the offer was made by another person, but only if the other person was acting with the person's authority. That authority may be conferred expressly or by implication.

(5) A candidate or other person does not engage in corrupt conduct in contravention of this section only because the candidate or person has offered or solicited an offer to enter into a voting arrangement.

(6) For the purposes of subsection (5), a voting arrangement is an arrangement under which persons agree to vote for, or get others to vote for, a candidate or candidates in return for other persons agreeing to vote for, or get others to vote for, another candidate or other candidates.

(7) Subsection (5) applies even when the offers relate to different elections.