Page:Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap. 554).pdf/27

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Ord. No. 10 of 2000

(b) a name or logo that is substantially similar to the name or logo of or associated with another person or an organization; or
(c) a pictorial representation of another person,

in such a way as to imply, or to be likely to cause electors to believe, that a particular candidate or particular candidates have the support of the other person or organization unless, before the publication of the election advertisement, the other person or organization consented in writing to the inclusion of the name, logo or pictorial representation.

(3) For the purposes of subsections (1) and (2), the consent of an organization is taken to have been obtained if—

(a) the consent was given by an officer of the organization; and
(b) the candidate or person who publishes, or authorizes the publication of the election advertisement believed on reasonable grounds that the officer had authority to give the consent.

(4) A candidate or other person engages in illegal conduct for having published or authorized the publication of an election advertisement of a kind referred to in subsection (1) or (2) despite the fact that the advertisement contains a statement to the effect that the inclusion in the advertisement of a name or logo of or associated with a person or an organization, or a pictorial representation of a person, does not imply support by the person or organization for a candidate or candidates.

(5) A person engages in illegal conduct at an election if the person purports to give consent in writing to the inclusion in an election advertisement of the name or logo of or associated with an organization without having been approved by the governing body of the organization or by a resolution of the members of the organization passed at a general meeting.

(6) A person engages in illegal conduct at an election if the person, for the purpose of promoting or prejudicing the election of a candidate or candidates, gives information to the candidate or candidates that the person knows or ought to know is materially false or misleading.

(7) In this section, "support" (支持), in relation to a candidate, includes support for the policies or activities of the candidate.

28. Court empowered to restrain person from repeating certain illegal conduct

(1) The Court may, on the hearing of an application under this section, grant an injunction restraining a person who is found to have engaged in illegal conduct at an election in contravention of section 25, 26 or 27—

(a) from continuing or repeating the conduct; or
(b) from engaging in any other conduct of a similar nature.

(2) An injunction under this section may be granted on such terms as the Court considers appropriate.