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Ord. No. 10 of 2000

48. Transitional provision

Any subsidiary legislation made under the Corrupt and Illegal Practices Ordinance (Cap. 288) before its repeal and in force at the commencement of this Ordinance is, so far as it is not inconsistent with this Ordinance, to continue in force and have the like effect for all purposes as if made under this Ordinance.

49. Saving provision

The repeal of the Corrupt and Illegal Practices Ordinance (Cap. 288) does not affect any obligation or liability incurred, or any penalty or disqualification imposed, or any investigation or legal proceedings instituted, under that repealed Ordinance; and any such penalty or disqualification may be imposed, and any such investigation or legal proceedings may be instituted or carried on, as if this Ordinance had not been passed.

[s. 47]

Consequential Amendments to Other Ordinances

Item Enactment Amendment
1. Medical Practitioners
(Electoral Provisions)
(Procedure) Regulation
(Cap. 161 sub. leg.)
Repeal section 4(2)(e) and substitute—
"(e) he has been convicted of having engaged in corrupt or illegal conduct in contravention of the Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (10 of 2000); or".
2. Crimes Ordinance
(Cap. 200)
In section 46(1), add "or corrupt conduct" after "corrupt practice".
3. Prevention of Bribery
Ordinance (Cap. 201)
In section 2(1), in the definition of "advantage", repeal everything after paragraph and substitute—
"but does not include an election donation within the meaning of the Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (10 of 2000), particulars of which are included in an election return in accordance with that Ordinance;".
4. Independent Commission
Against Corruption
Ordinance (Cap. 204)
(a) In sections 10(1) and (2) and 12(b)(iii) and (vi), repeal "Corrupt and Illegal Practices Ordinance (Cap. 288)" wherever it appears and substitute "Elections (Corrupt and illegal Conduct) Ordinance (10 of 2000)".
(b) In section 13(1)(d), repeal "or the Corrupt and Illegal Practices Ordinance (Cap. 288)".