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Ord. No. 10 of 2000

"election expense agent" (選舉開支代理人), in relation to a candidate or group of candidates, means a person authorized by the candidate or candidates in accordance with section 23;

"election expenses" (選舉開支), in relation to a candidate or group of candidates at an election, means expenses incurred or to be incurred, before, during or after the election period, by or on behalf of the candidate or group for the purpose of—

(a) promoting the election of the candidate or group; or
(b) prejudicing the election of another candidate or group,

and includes the value of election donations consisting of goods and services used for that purpose;

"election period" (選舉期間), in relation to an election, means the period beginning with the nomination day for the election and ending with the polling day for the election (or the last polling day if there is more than one polling day);

"election petition" (選舉呈請) means an election petition lodged under an electoral law for the purpose of questioning an election held under that law;

"election return" (選舉申報書) means the return required to be lodged by a candidate in accordance with section 37;

"elector" (選民)—

(a) in relation to an election to elect the Chief Executive, means a person who is an elector under any law in force providing for the election of the Chief Executive; and
(b) in relation to an election to elect a Member of the Legislative Council, means an elector as defined by section 3(1) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap. 542), and in relation to a corporate elector, includes the authorized representative of the elector; and
(c) in relation to an election to elect a member of the Election Committee, means a voter as defined by section 7(1) of Schedule 2 to that Ordinance or the authorized representative of a corporate voter; and
(d) in relation to an election to elect a member of a District Council, means an elector as defined by section 2 of the District Councils Ordinance (Cap. 547); and
(e) in relation to an election to elect members of the Heung Yee Kuk, means a person who, in accordance with the Heung Yee Kuk Ordinance (Cap. 1097), is entitled to vote at the election; and
(f) in relation to an election to elect the Chairman or Vice-Chairman or a member of the Executive Committee of a Rural Committee, means a member of the general assembly of the Rural Committee; and